I didn't even realize

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     You know I just realized something,but first let me tell you the whole story. I was texting Jessica last night and if you read my last chapter called,Omg, you would know what happened so I sent it to MacKenzie and posted,Omg and another called Seriously 🙄. Then today I checked my texts and saw Mackenzie texted me. This is what the texts said:
I'm sorry I'm so depressed
I'm sorry I have never been in love like you have and never been taught what love is
I'm sorry that my life is total crap
I'm sorry I'm so suicidal that you probably can't handle it
I'm sorry that I was ever in anyone's life and they have to fake that they want to help so they don't have blood on their hands
I'm sorry that people can't help me
I'm sorry that I am a screw up
I'm sorry I can't get better
I'm sorry that everything is my fault
I'm sorry that I am too far gone and no one can help me
I'm sorry for being a lost cause
I'm sorry for coming into your life and ruining it
I'm sorry for being me.

And I replied:
Kenzie don't be sorry honey I love u just the way you are
Sorry I wasn't there for you yesterday 😔

I thought she was just having one of her moments or attacks or something.
But what I didn't realize was that it was from the chapter, Seriously 🙄. I didn't even realize I published at the same time I texted her. So when she wouldn't text me back I assumed she was just busy. Then, when I passed her in the library she gave me the evilest glare and stepped around me. I didn't even realize until now.

It's all my fault.

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