Chapter 1~ Snoke.

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Author note~ Very Important.
Let me make this clear:
THIS STORY CONTAINS ALMOST EVERY DETAIL FROM THE LAST JEDI ENVOLVING REYLO! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! SPOILERS! SO IF YOU DONT WANT CRAP SPOILED, NOW IS YOUR TIME TO LEAVE! I will also be writing the plot that I believe will happen in episode 9. So this story will be very long. I dont know how often i can update. School started back up and already I have little time for activities such as this. But here u go reylo fans, have a nice read.

Kylo Ren's POV.

I've been informed that the Supreme Leader requests my presense. What ever is was, surely couldnt be good. Might as well just be more belittlement about my failure to bring the scavenger girl to him, leading to the destruction of the weapon in which The First Order has spent so long building. Perhaps even more venomous words spat down my throat, putting more weight on my shoulders of what I did to my father. He senses my inner turmoil. I killed him only to bring myself closer to the darkness, but that failed. It did nothing but make me weaker.

Pulling away from my thoughts, a sigh escapes my lips. The lift is almost at Snoke's chamber. As soon as I got there, that tool General Armitage Hux walked away from the Supreme Leader and wore a devilish half sneer- half grin when he saw me. Yes... hell will be risen this time.
I bowed down and kept my gaze fixed on the floor as Snoke spoke.

"Do you know why I keep that rabid cur in such a high place of power? A cur's weakness, if properly manipulated, can be a sharp tool. How is your wound?" He spoke in the most menacing of tones.

"Its nothing." I replied. That scar that runs along my face has healed up for the most part. Part of it is still black and singed. Yet another reminder of my failures.

"The mighty Kylo Ren. When I found you, I saw what I live to see: raw, untamed power and beyond that... something truly special. The potential of your bloodline... a new vader. Now I fear... I was mistaken."  There it is. Another speech of my heritage.

"I've given you everything I have." I seethed through my helmet. I could feel the anger rising in both of us.

"Take that ridiculous thing off." He said in a low, bitter tone. I hesitated for a moment, only to comply. Best not to make this any worse that it already is. I reached up to the air lock mechanism in the helmet and released it with a hiss. My hair fell out and laid upon my shoulders and neck, some of it plastered on my face from the sweat.

"Yeess... there it is. You have too much of your father's heart in you. Young Solo..." He stated. That struck a nerve. My anger was rising even more but I had to choke it down.

"I killed Han Solo! When the moment came, I didn't hesitate." I hissed. He stood, clearly driven over edge by my attitude and failure to hold my tongue. Truth is, I did hesitate, and I hate myself for it.

"Niw look at you! The deed split your spirit to the bone. You are unbalanced! Bested by a girl who hadn't held a lightsaber! YOU FAILED!" Thats it. I stood with a quickness, ready to strike. But he was able to send Force electricity my way, radiating a path through the floor straight towards me before I could make a steps progress.

"Skywalker lives, the seed of the Jedi Order lives! As long as it does, hope in the galaxy lives! Only you will be the one to snuff it out... alas you are no Vader, only a child in a mask. You will bring the girl to me, and you will kill the last Jedi. Only then will my faith in you be restored. Get out of my sight." He calmed back down, and returned to his throne. My hatred for him grew even more. With that, I stood and bowed, and took my leave.

In the elevator, I stared down at my helmet, thinking over my failures and Snoke's words. 'Bested by a girl who hadn't held a lightsaber... alas you are no vader... only a child in a mask'. This fueled my anger. I slammed the helmet into the wall of the elevator. The chrome lining around the visors dented somewhat and more scratches and scrapes appeared in the black metal. I slammed it into the wall again. And again. Several times over, each hit stronger than the last. Sparks from the metal to metal impact force flew about, the wall in turn shattering from the power. The helmet then crumbled, broken into many pieces and fell onto the floor. When the elevator finally stopped, I trudged past 2 officers, who were frightened by my sudden appearance and the mess I left behind.

"Ready my ship!" I barked. They stood straight and nodded. Its time to take down the Resistance fleet once and for all.

Author note pt 2~ Semi Important
Hi guys! Im not new, not exactly. Ive had this account for over a year but i just recently got back on it when i downloaded this app. This is my first and probably only story. I will say this once and i shouldnt have to say it again. I DO NOT OWN A DAMN THING IN THIS STORY!! NO PLANET, CHARACTER, SHIP, OR DROID BELONGS TO ME, THEY BELONG TO GEORGE LUCAS, JJ ABRHAMS, AND RIAN JOHNSON!!!

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