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Darkness was starting to fall over Ajan Kloss. The animals of the day all went into hiding for the creatures of the night to hunt and play. The humidity of the day disappeared just as the sun had when a moon came into clear view. With the planet being, for the most part, unpopulated, there was no pollution of light blocking out the night sky. As the temperature dropped, the remaining pilots, officers, and technicians filed into the bunker for grub.

Poe Dameron and his best friend, Finn, sat at a small, round table with trays full of what they could forage. With BB-8 by their feet, they both discussed past adventures and future endeavors. General Leia looked over the scene from a doorway that lead to her private quarters. All around her the workers buzzed about, every conversation a low roar in her tired head. Looking towards Dameron, the new General by her side in command, she felt something was missing from the picture. She hadn't seen the young girl Rey since the day before. Just as the thought crossed her mind, the girl had made it back to the bunker and soon walked through the mess hall. Leia caught a glimpse at her face and could tell that there was something wrong. There was a low, uneasy hum in the Force that seemed to radiate off her.

With her cane in hand, the General slowly made her way towards Rey. The young Jedi walked through the line and filled her tray, turning to be faced by Leia.

"Oh, hi. How are you, General?" She asked calmly.

"Quite alright, How's your training going?"

"It's pretty good, just a little frustrating." She admitted.

"It seems like you're bothered by something." Rey gulped, her eyes gave away the truth she hid.

"No, nothing's wrong, just tired." The General looked at her doubtfully. She had seen Luke bothered so many times it was easy to tell when anything was off.

"Hon, I can feel your unease through the Force like it's a disease. You can tell me." Rey's shoulders slumped and her face grew anxious.

"I saw him. It was like he was actually here, the bushes moved and everything." Leia's eyes widened and sadness tried to flood over, but she buried it down. She let out a long breath and straightened up.

"I know he may seem like a lost cause to you, but we can't give up. We can't drag him back either. He has to make the choice himself. There's always been light in him, you need only wait."

"He's done so many horrible things, but in a way or two he has helped us. He's stubborn." She sighed. Leia smiled at her, "He gets it honest."

With a light smile, Rey turned to go join Finn, Poe, and BB-8, but stopped.

"Would you care to join us? It's been a while since we've heard one of your stories." Leia shrugged slightly. "Why not?"

Rey walked by Leia's side slowly to the table where Finn and Poe sat.


"And then he dragged her all the way to Dathomir!"

"He did not!"

"Oh, yes he did." Leia cut in. Poe was telling Finn about how she and Han ended up married after the war. Quite a funny tale when you think about it.

"Why would he take you there?" Finn shouted, obviously outraged.

"What's on Dathomir?" Rey asked.

"Death! There's this clan of witches that are knowledgeable about the Force, they don't take kindly to visitors."

"Night Sisters. Initially, Han and I went there because he was a damn jealous fool and got conned into a false impression that he won the whole planet of Dathomir."

"So what happened?" Finn asked.

"A lot. Not really any of it was pleasant, but Luke and a small group of people found us and were able to help us get off that rock, then Han got what he wanted in the end. I did marry him."

"That's insane. When was that?" Rey asked.

"Only a year after the Battle of Endor. The Emperor was dead, but his Empire still existed in a few corners of the galaxy." Leia trailed off.

After nearly an hour, everyone dispersed to turn in for the night. BB-8 stayed patrolling around the base rather than shutting down. He rolled quietly down the halls, beeping to himself as he pleased. After a while he ended up outside. Rolling past the base, his audio sensors started to pick up some noise coming from the Falcon. He rolled up the ramp and through the halls.

In the lounge of the Falcon, Rey laid restlessly on the medical bed she's seen Chewie, Finn, and Rose on the previous year. For reasons she couldn't explain, nightmares plagued her mind. She thrashed in her thin sheets, her dream causing her serious turmoil. BB-8 rolled up to her, concerned for her wellbeing. He beeped a few times and got no sort of response from the troubled girl.

Thunder rumbled and lightning clapped in the pitch black darkness. The cold air bit at Rey's face as she stood in an unknown, icy setting. The scene before her shifted to a reflective wall, with a dark figure standing in a shroud of black. The figure was holding something and after a moment, it was ignited and revealed to be a red, double bladed lightsaber that resembled Kylo Ren's unstable cross-guard. Rey walked closer to the figure, there was something about it that was startling familiar.

A low and raspy voice broke the silence, creating an evil echo.

"Now the story of Skywalker comes to it's end." Disturbing cackles followed and the figure's head snapped upward, revealing Rey's face in the hood illuminated by the lightsaber. Her evil twin's eyes shone a bright yellow, contrasting from the red and darkness, and she heard a male's voice cry out in agony.


The blaring distress alarm BB-8 featured was what woke Rey. Shaking with a cold sweat running down her face, she looked over at the droid. He shut off the alarm and Leia came stumbling in with Poe's help.

"What happened?" Poe was terrified just as much as Rey.

"Something- Something's coming." That was all she said. Leia stared at her. There was a sudden shift in the Force that they both could feel, as if nature itself took a turn for the worst. Whatever was coming, time was already running out.

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