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Alexander was so fucking stressed. He had been working for longer than he could remember, writing so quickly that he wasn't quite sure if it made any sense. He had to get more signatures for his petition, so he decided to write a few essays explaining his cause. He was exhausted, exasperated, and stressed beyond belief. "That's it" he thought out loud, putting down his quill and backing away from his desk. "There has to be some other way to convince them, I only need a few signatures anyways. I'm meeting with them Tuesday. Why the hell are they still anonymous? I geuss I'll figure it out when I get there. For now, I need to figure out a way to win over these men." Hamilton knew plenty of ways to win someone over, but most of them involved writing and he was in no position to do that right now.

-Time skip to a few hours of stressful brainstorming later-

Alexander couldn't believe that he was actually considering this. He was a very honorable man, was he not? But these men had his fate in their hands, it was the least that he could do. Alexander hadn't done this in so long, the last time was with.... Washington, maybe? He can't remember. He decided that he should probably take some time to practice, to prepare himself for the 'meeting' in a few days.

-Another dramatic time skip to the day of the meeting-

It was Tuesday morning, the morning of the meeting. Hamilton arrived fifteen minutes early, as always. The house was large, no, gigantic. The man who lived here must be pretty wealthy. Alex couldn't help but notice the excessive amount of purple decorating the exterior of this Virginian estate. A wave of realisation hit him the second a small slave girl opened the door to let him in. Everything was so extra, so purple, so expensive. There was one thing that was particularly purple and wealthy looking, and he smirked widely. Oh god, not Jefferson! He couldn't do this. But he had to. So, Alexander straightened his posture quickly before walking inside, nodding curtly to the slave girl. "Well, well, well. James, look what the cat dragged in!" Thomas smirked smugly at Hamilton, James just chuckled and mimicked Jefferson's expression. "Mister Jefferson. Mister Madison. I should have known." Jefferson just rolled his eyes and gestured for Hamilton to follow as he walked down a long corridor. They soon arrived in a small conference room. Alexander carefully examined the terrain, nearly shaking with nervousness. "Alexander, I believe that you were here to pitch us your plan?" Jefferson asked, still smirking deviously. Hamilton snapped out of his nervous trance and cleared his throat. "Yes, I am in dire need of your signatures for my petition. It will help us regulate the r-" Alexander was rudely interupted by James' obvious eye roll. "Mister Madison, have I offended you somehow?" James scoffed and took a sip of his tea before speaking. "Hamilton, we both know that this isn't how you're planning to win us over. Can we get on with it, please?" Alex was shocked. How could James Madison have known? "I-I'm. ..umm.. I have no clue what you're talking about, Mister Madison, Sir." Jefferson stood up out of his chair, his signature sly smirk now a bit.... lustful? "Drop the act, Alexander. We know how you rose to the top. Everyone does. How else could you have gotten Washington on your side?" Thomas took off his coat as he talked, James following suit. Hamilton knew that he had been figured out, and so he 'dropped the act' as requested. Alexander decided to put on a much more useful act, one that had worked many times before. "Yessir, I agree. There is no time for pleasentries right now." And with that, Alex dropped to his knees in front of Jefferson, undoing his pants. The other two men were shocked at Hamilton's eagerness, but didn't do anything to stop him. Thomas swallowed thickly as Alex pulled his pants down, along with his breeches. Hamilton gasped audibly at the sight of Jefferson's half-hard cock in front of him. "It's so big" he whispered, giggling slightly. Alexander wrapped a hand around it, pumping it to full length, watching it intently with childlike curiosity. Thomas bit his lip to stifle a moan, and James just watched in awe, mouth slightly agape. Hamilton licked up the underside of his length slowly before taking the head into his mouth, making eye-contact with Thomas the whole time. Jefferson moaned quietly and intertwined his fingers with Alex's hair, growing impatient too quickly. He began to tug and push at the smaller man's hair, roughly pulling him on and off of his cock. Hamilton accidentally let a choked whimper escape as Jefferson's length hit the back of his throat particularly hard. Jefferson groaned and chuckled darkly, still facefucking him roughly. "You like this, don't you? Do you enjoy having my cock shoved down your throat, you dirty little whore?" Thomas stopped talking for a second, letting out a drawn-out breathless moan. "You probably would have done this even if you didn't need anything from me. Suck a needy little cockslut. Is this why Washington loves you so much?" Hamilton felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes, from the pain of how long Jefferson's cock was down his throat and from the constant rubbing of his own hard-on against his jeans and lace panties. "Fuck, Hamilton." Thomas moaned, getting closer to cumming with every thrust. "I'm close. You better swallow it all, slut." Not much longer he came down Hamilton's throat, and he swallowed it all with little difficulty. When Alexander pulled off of Thomas' cock with a small popping noise, he noticed James, masturbating and watching them intently. "Mister Madison, sir" Hamilton said huskly, "I believe that I am in need of your signature aswell." Alexander smirked, but James merely shook his head. "That will not be necessary right now, Hamilton." Alexander was confused. What was James plotting? He shrugged and turned back to Jefferson, standing up and waiting for his next command. "Strip" commanded Thomas, and Hamilton complied immediately. Jefferson shamelessly looked Hamilton up and down, licking his lips. Thomas was surprisingly already hard again. "Bend over the table for me, whore" Alexander did as he was told, bending over the table and wiggling his bare ass in the air. Jefferson's hand came down roughly on Hamilton's ass, causing him to cry out in pain. "Stay still. If you want that signature, you'll be a good little toy and let me use you." Alex swallowed thickly, nodding. Thomas stuck threw fingers in front of Hamilton's face. "Suck." he commanded. Hamilton just giggled. "A-actually, Mister Jefferson, sir, I already stretched myself out before I arrived." Thomas chuckled darkly, stroking his own cock a few times, using Hamilton's spit as a makeshift lubricant. "What a prepared little whore you are." And with that, Jefferson pushed all the way into Alex without any warning at all. Hamilton cried out in pain, forgetting how big Thomas was. "Sir- please give me some time to adjust! I can't take it, Mister J-JEFFERSON!" Thomas ignored Alexander's pleas and continued pounding into him at a relentless pace. After a while of cursing and yelling, Hamilton started to adjust and calm down. "I- Is that all you got? I assumed that you would at least be better than Aaro-" Another rough spank was placed on Hamilton's ass, this one was much harder. "Toys." Spank. "Don't" Another spank. "Speak." Alexander sobbed in pleasure and pain and shut up, not wanting to be punished again. With a low moan, Thomas came inside of Alexander. He didn't let Hamilton cum, just stopped thrusting and pulled out. Thomas bent over, whispering in Alex's ear huskly. "I will see you at the cabinet meeting tomorrow morning." Hamilton jumped at the feeling of something being pressed into him, and then wrapped around him. Oh god. "You will keep this in you until then, or you will not get your signature. Do you understand?" Alexander nodded weakly, whimpering from the lack of release. "Good. Now get dressed and get out." Hamilton obeyed, standing up with much difficulty, picking up his clothes, getting dressed, and walking out the door. He nodded curtly to the disheveled Jefferson and Madison as he left, noticing that James had gotten off just watching them. Alexander also noticed how Thomas watched him leave. He looked almost.... sad? Whatever, Hamilton had more important problems than that. Like figuring out how to get Madison's signature.

I'm sorry I know that was short and really bad! Feel free to yell at me in the comments! If you somehow liked this trash then please request other ships for me to do!!

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