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"What time's your dad getting home?" Asked George, idly playing with his boyfriend's curly hair. "Mm, I dunno... like, whenever there's no more writing to do?" Phillip chuckled despite how true that estimate was. He sighed, half happily and half dissapointed in his own father.

"Hey," cooed Eaker. "Since writing like he's running out of time is gonna take your father a while, you wanna.... do something?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, earning a small giggle from the smaller man.

"Like what?" Asked Phillip.

"Well," said George, a sly smirk on his lips. "Maybe we could... try something new? It's a fun game, I swear you'll like it."

Phillip nodded, slightly nervous for this new game. "How do we play?"

"Well, first, come 'ere, baby." George untangled his fingers from Phillip's hair, patting his lap. Phillip happily obliged and straddled him, blushing slightly. "What next, Georgie?"

George simply smiled and kissed Phillip roughly, shoving his tongue into his mouth. Phillip squeaked in surprise. This wasn't something new, they'd kissed before, but Phillip had the slight suspicion that this was going to progress further.

After a while of breathless making out George pulled away, latching onto Phillip's neck and sucking a dark hickey.

"Ah, George!" Moaned Phillip. "T-that hurt... but... in a good way..." The pain went straight to his... intimate parts. That's never happened before. George continued kissing and sucking on his boyfriend's neck, getting more and more aroused with each sound Phillip made.

He pulled away, pulling a whine from Phillip. "Now, darling, can I take your shirt off? Pretty please?"

Phillip hesitated before nodding. George had seen him shirtless plenty of times. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about at all. George pulled Phillip's shirt over his head, immediately kissing the now exposed skin of his chest.

"So beautiful, honey,"

Phillip let his eyes flutter closed. The act was so sweet, so innocent. It made Phillip feel all tingly inside. Well, not exactly inside of himself. Inside his boxers, really. George seemed to notice the tent in his pants, because he stopped kissing Phillip and slowly snaked a hand up his thigh.

"Time for the fun part of the game. You ready, sugar?"

Phillip nodded and watched as his boyfriend's hand went up, and up, and up, and pressed down right on his private area. "G-georgie!" Stuttered Phillip, completely shocked.

Eaker immediately removed his hand and looked at Phillip worriedly. "What is it? Something wrong, Phillip?"

"You... those are my private parts. You can't touch those! That's why they're called private parts. They're supposed to be private!"

"Oh, Phillip, baby, no. You've got it all wrong." George said with a knowing smirk.

Phillip cocked his head to the side, wondering what his boyfriend was on about.

"They're called private parts because they're private, yes, but they're private to two people, not just one. Yourself and somebody else. Since I'm your boyfriend, I'm allowed to play with them... if you let me, of course."

Phillip was confused. He didn't know about this!  Although it did feel good when George touched his intimate area. He'd like more of that feeling very much.

"O-okay, I trust you."

"You tell me if you want me to stop, alright, muffin?"

"Got it."

Eaker smiled and touched Phillip's private parts through his pants again, creating a small rhythm of pressure that drove Phillip mad. A strange sound escaped his mouth. It was a scary sound.


"That was a moan, cupcake. It's perfectly normal. Don't worry."

Phillip's moan was the dirtiest thing that George had ever heard come out of that precious little mouth. And the face Phillip was making, oh god, he could get off so quickly just looking at that face. He had to see more. He worked on pulling down Phillip's pants just enough to pull out his cock, already half-hard.

"You sure about this, Georgia?"

"It'll feel even better soon, just you wait."

George stroked Phillip's length to full hardness, savouring Phillip's beautifully confused sounds. He took the head into his mouth, tracing it with his tongue and sucking gently.

"George! Did you just-" Phillip interrupted himself with a moan, "Ah... I, I pee with that!"

George couldn't help but giggle, the vibrations radiating through Phillip, who cried out and bucked his hips, forcing most of his length down George's throat. After a moment of regaining his composure and trying not to choke, Eaker started a steady pace, bobbing his head up and down Phillip's shaft. Not too much longer, Phillip spoke up,

"G-georgie! I feel all... all tingly inside, like there's... ah... a.... a... hot tub in my stomach!"

The simile made Eaker giggle again, sending Phillip over the edge, cumming unexpectedly down his boyfriend's throat with a loud scream.

George swallowed and pulled off.

"Did you like that game, creampuff?"


"Good. Get on your hands and knees. Pants off. We're gonna play an even better one."

An update?? From me?? Today?? After all this time?? Of a ship that I totally hate??
It's more likely than you think.

Alexander HamilsinWhere stories live. Discover now