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☝Not my art obviously. I wish I could draw like that ☝


Was it wrong of Samuel to be thinking these unholy thoughts?

Was it gross of him to be feeling these sinful things?

Was it illegal for all of these thoughts and feelings to be connected to a man who also happened to be his boss?

Yes, yes, and yes.

Samuel didn't want to think these terrible things, he didn't want to get aroused whenever his mind wandered to his boss/best friend. But he was still here, on his bed, eyes closed, wearing nothing but one of the king's undershirts, breathing in the smell that was distinctly George as he pleasured himself with a hand cloaked in the silky soft material. His other hand was in his mouth, preventing him from making any noises that may get him caught.

Thoughts of his boss floated through his mind. He imagined that it wasn't his hand around his throbbing cock, but instead the strong but soft gloved hand of the king. If he thought hard enough he could imagine that it was the king's mouth, although that would probably be a lot warmer.

Samuel imagined the king walking in right now, the door creaking open, the loud footsteps coming closer, closer, closer. So close he could feel the king's breath. So close he could hear the king's whisper.

"I've been looking for you, Samuel. Is this what you've disappeared to do? Pleasure yourself with my clothing?"

Samuel's eyes snapped open. He wasn't that good at imagining. In fact, he wasn't imagining at all. He was currently face to face with the one he was pleasuring himself to. The thought was terrifying. It almost made him orgasm, but he stopped touching himself as quickly as possible, accidentally letting a small whimper slip out.

Samuel jumped back, nearly falling off of his cot. He covered himself with the shirt, his face burning redder than a British soldier's coat.

"Sir-I mean- your majesty I- um- you were supposed to be at a meeting- r-now, were you not?"

The king smiled, sitting on the cot.

"I got bored without you, Sammy. So I came to check up on my favourite subject. I did not expect something as naughty as this."

Samuel just looked down, ashamed. He had no more arguments. He was filthy. Horrid. Disgusting. A monster.

"My dearest Samuel, it pains me to see you sad. Come here."

The king patted the spot next to him on Samuel's small cot.

"I'm sorry, my liege. Please, don't report me. I beg of you. Punish me if you have to, but I cannot die so young. Please."

A small sob escaped Samuel's lips. It was muffled by the king's finger being pressed against his lips.

"Hush, darling. Come sit."

Samuel immediately obliged, sitting down next to the king who dropped to his knees on the floor in front of him.

"Sir? I-I don't understand."

The king seemed frustrated with the fact that Samuel was still covering himself.

"Let me see you, Sammy. Now."

It was impossible to say no to the king. And illegal. He was the king, after all. Samuel slowly moved his hands, revealing his small, aching cock. Without another word the king wrapped his lips around Samuel's cock and bobbed his head five times before Samuel came with a high pitched keen.

The king swallowed it all, pulling off and frowning.

"Maybe next time you'll last longer so I can suck you off properly."

Samuel was shocked. He had no clue what just happened.

"Oh, and keep the undershirt, darling. I like the way my clothes look on you. In fact, I think I'll have some new clothes delivered to you in the morning."

Samuel nodded, regaining his composure as quickly as possible.

"Yes, your highness. T-thank you."

George smiled, waving goodbye as he stood up and walked out of Samuel's bedchamber, closing the door behind him.

"What the fuck just happened."

Mumbled Samuel.

I wrote this one in like ten minutes and didn't have time to edit it please correct me if you find any grammar mistakes!

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