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Well, I said no angst, but...

Alexander Burr layed awake in his bed one winter's evening, not daring to get up and disturb his husband. Their marriage had been perfect for the fist year, and the second year, and the third... all the way up to the fifth year of their marriage. Although, now that they'd been together for over half a decade, Aaron Burr seemed to be... bored. In what sense of the word? Well, basically all of them. Sexually, phisically, mentally, emotionally. Just overall bored. Alexander was blantly aware of this due to many reasons. Aaron had been easily agitated, less loving, and a lot more independent. Alexander was suddenly ripped out of his thoughts by a sudden movement beside him in the bed. "Hamilton. Why're you awake this late."
"Oh, no reason, dear. I'm just thinking."
Aaron turned over, facing his husband. His tired eyes seemed curious and intrigued, as always. God, if only Alexander had been able to stay away from those eyes. Those eyes that begged him to stay, promised to be better, told him they loved him, and broke his heart all in one moment. Those were the most misleading eyes he'd ever seen.
"What about?" Asked Aaron, curiously.
"Nothing, dear, go back to sleep."
"Not until you tell me"
"It's not important."
"Hamilton. Tell me."
That wasn't even his last name anymore. He hated when Aaron called him that. Once again, his thoughts were interrupted as a familiar weight was placed onto his abdomen. He looked up to see his husband straddling him.
"Tell me."
"Aaron, please. Not now"
Aaron roughly bit and sucked at any exposed skin he could reach, despite Alexander's complaints.
"Ah- Aaron! Please stop!"
"Hmmm... no. I don't think I will."
Aaron could be mean sometimes, but he'd never ignored a lack of consent before. Alexander didn't like this at all.
"You're mine, and I don't take advantage of that enough. Six years, we've been together. This body is mine. I can do with it as I please, understand?"
Alexander had no clue what to do. This had never happened before. How did this even escalate so quickly? He didn't like this. He wanted to just go to sleep. He wanted his old Aaron back.
"Please, Ron. I'm tired, and I'd rather be alone with my thoughts. I don't want this, no."
Aaron chuckled darkly.
"No. No? You think you can just dismiss me with a single word? You will take what I give you, and you will be greatful for it, pet."
Alexander whimpered quietly. What else could he do? His husband was stronger, faster, and equally as smart as him. Maybe Aaron was right, maybe his consent was unimportant after all.
"Good boy. Now, since you woke me up from such a lovely dream, I don't have time to wait while I prep you. But I've probably stretched you out enough over the years, hm?"
Alex didn't like that idea. They'd rarely ever gone without prep before. "Please, no..." He whispered, begging Aaron to go back to sleep. His weak attempts were met with nothing but a light chuckle from Aaron and the rough removal of his shirt.
"Mine" Aaron repeated, sucking and biting more marks into Alexander, who groaned in pain. "You like that, pet?"
Alexander shook his head frantically as Aaron added another rough hickey onto his jaw. "Too bad" barked Aaron, pulling down Alex's pants and boxers. "My little pet isn't even hard? Let's fix that, shall we?"
Alexander could do nothing but shake his head and whimper, which Aaron didn't seem too pleased with. "Answer me when I speak, Hamilton." Alexander swallowed thickly, gathering up the courage to beg. "Please, sir, I don't want to wait, please... just fuck me now!" Aaron seemed pleased with the fake plea, whereas Alexander just wanted this to be over as soon as possible.
"Well, since you asked so politely..." Aaron was quick to move off of him and flip Alexander onto his hands and knees. He carefully massaged Alex's ass as he removed his own clothing and lined himself up. Then, without warning, Aaron thrusted as much of his erection as he possibly could into Alexander. Alex wailed in pain, tears threatening to spill from his usually bright eyes. "Please! Aaron! Stop! It hurts!" Alexander's pleas were all in vain, because Aaron did the opposite of stop. He began to roughly thrust in and out of him, grunting and moaning quietly at Alexander's tightness. There was nothing Alex could do other than give up. He hung his head in shame, sobbing quietly as his husband kept thrusting into him. After what seemed like an eternity, Aaron finally reached his climax inside of Alexander. "Goodnight, Hamilton" muttered Aaron, chuckling as he put his clothes back on and went back to sleep.
Alexander ignored the pain. Maybe, if he was lucky, he'd bleed to death in his sleep. That'd be much better than any other possible outcome, he decided.
Alexander managed to utter a small "Goodnight, Ronnie" before he closed his tear filled eyes once more, the pain slowly numbing as he drifted off into a peaceful, possibly endless sleep.

This was rushed and pretty bad. I can't write angst too well, sorry!

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