I've been tagged??

873 2 9

Oh boy I don't usually do these things but who am I to disobey the laws of a tag.

I've been tagged by AnimaticalLucinda

I've been tagged by AnimaticalLucinda

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1. Yep

2. Yep

3. I'll give you a hint it starts with a letter from A-Z and ends with another letter from A-Z

4. Taken

5. Yeah I'd rather not have them find out I write smut about founding fathers

6. Same as five

7. I CAN'T CHOOSE ONE SO *inhales* Rhink, Phan, Analogical, Jamilton, Hambury, Vughead, Jam, Thaurens, Lafferson, okay I'll stop now. Am I the only one who really doesn't like Lams?

8. My mom lol

9. Living in the sunlight. Look it up. It's beautiful.

10. 69% lmao

11. It's my cat

12. I was bored and felt there wasn't enough smut in the Hamilton fandom

13. Somewhere from January 1st to December 31st

14. Oh wow that's a lot of tags ima just do the first ten that pop up

GalacticTea buttnuggget Hifriendsilikebooks Trashbag_McGee CraigTheHomo queendolce AlexStartWriting Calicord23 ElvenWizard221 Sammy_is_obsessed

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