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Just some innocent fluff, nothing creepy about it because I totally like this ship and I totally like John Laurens... heh...heh...heh ANYWAYS

Alexander Hamilton was having a normal night, sleeping peacefully next to his boyfriends Thomas, Aaron and George when he heard a knock on the door. He woke up suddenly, the sound pounding in his ears.

"Darling, go back to sleep," muttered a half asleep Thomas.

"Whoever it is can come back in the morning," agreed Washington.

"I'll only be a moment, loves." Alex said, quickly climbing out of bed and walking downstairs.

It was raining outside, and when Alexander looked through the keyhole of the front door he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. It was his best friend, John Laurens. With no hesitation Alexander let the man inside, smiling.

"John, what a pleasant surprise." It was only then that he realised the current state of his friend. John Laurens was soaking wet, his eyes red and puffy like he'd been browsing the Internet for hours. "Dear lord, Laurens. What's the matter?"

John was about to say something when Alexander interupted him, unzipping the wet man's coat. "Tell me after I get you into some dry clothes."

"Alex, I don't think that's-"

"Shush, you'll catch a cold if we don't get you out of these." Alexander tossed the coat aside. "Now strip, I'll go upstairs and get you some clothes."

"Lexi, I-"

"Tell me after."

And with that he walked up the stairs, leaving John to get undressed in the living room.

"Who was it?" Asked Aaron, looking up at his boyfriend, still half asleep.

"Just John, sweetheart, go back to sleep."

"Alright," mumbled Aaron, rolling over and going back to sleep. It wasn't an abnormal occurrence for John Laurens to show up at the strangest times, sometimes even while Alexander was asleep.

Alexander walked downstairs with some fresh clothes and a towel for John, passing them to the wet man.

"Thank you, Alexander." Said John, drying off and getting dressed.

"No problem, John. So, what's the matter?"

"Well," John wasn't quite sure how to word this so he figured he could just show Alexander instead. "Pass me your laptop?" Alexander passed John his laptop, confused. "Thanks."

John logged into Tumblr, searching for one of his favourite tags. "Look at this, Alex." Alexander was surprised to see hundreds of pictures, most of them of him and John doing... innapropriate things. "John, this is making me uncomfortable, why are you showing me this?"

John smiled, biting his lip as he looked at the pictures. He turned to look at Alex, still smiling devilishly. "Look at this picture, Lexi. How does it make you feel?" John turned the laptop to Alexander. On the screen there was a drawing of John blindfolded, tied with yellow ropes whilst Alexander did something far more than friendly to him.

"That's. . . That's disgusting! Who would draw something like that? How do people even know us? Who is this 'Sparkstan' that drew this??"

John looked hurt for a second. Maybe bondage isn't Alex's thing? Probably. John scrolled down. Another drawing, John giving Alex a blowjob, nothing kinky about it.

"John, why the hell are you showing me this?"

Laurens didn't reply, just kept scrolling. Hundreds and hundreds of drawings. But as he scrolled lower, they started to get more and more realistic. In fact, they were pictures, posted by John himself.

"These ones are my favourites," whispered John.

Alexander was asleep in every photo. John was not. John was doing terrible, unthinkable things in these photos. Alex wanted to vomit. He couldn't think of anything to say, nothing to cover how horrible this was.

"The fans are angry, Lexi. They want ones where you're awake. Now, are we gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way?"

This was a bit rushed and under-edited, sorry. It's nice to write fluff for once though.

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