I'm not sorry

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"Daddy, please?"
I've been begging for what feels like years for my father to let me apply for a job at his company. I beg and beg and beg, but I always get the same response; "You're too young, son."

Yeah, I'm only nineteen, but my mind is older! I wanna have a real job, like my father but bolder! I've been working at the same café for four years now, and I want something more sophisticated. Something that'll make me enough money to buy more than just playboy magazines and cigarettes. But maybe, just maybe, my father will get me an interview tomorrow, on my twentieth birthday.

- this time skip is brought to you by flex tape -

Wow, today has been a great day! I went out with my friends Theo and John, and we basically just got so wasted we passed out, and my parents finally got me a car! Well, not exactly a car, a used minivan. But now I can drive all my friends and siblings everywhere!

Knock knock knock

Ugh, can't I just have some peace and quiet for once?
"Come in!"
I yell, hoping it's just my dad. Sure enough, he walks in, smiling.
"Hey, Pip! How're ya doing, kiddo! I can't believe you're twenty years old!"
I laugh. My dad over-exaggerates everything. His praise is nonstop.

"Ey Pip, I know I've been saying you're too young and all, but..."

Yes! He got me an interview! I jump up from my bed, hugging him tightly.
"Thank you thank you than you thank you!! You're the best dad ever!"
He chuckles, ruffling my hair.

"No problem, Pip. You'll be working in accounting, assuming that the interview goes well. It's a little boring, but it pays well, and I know you love math, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Oh my gosh I'm so exited! I thank my dad a million more times, then I go pick out an outfit for my interview.

- Another time skip :D -

My interview went awesome, as expected. Mr.Washington is so nice! He's like the grandfather I never had, he even calls my dad 'son!' Anyways, today is my first day on the job. I'm standing outside with my dad right now, and I am beyond nervous! I'm gonna be the best accountant this company has ever seen!

"Phillip! What did I say about monologing all the time?"

Oh shit, I should probably go inside.
"Sorry, pa! Let's go!"

As I step inside I see exactly what I expected, a crowded office building with people answering phones and arguing and talking and typing and taking breaks and talking with customers- Wow, this is all a little overwhelming! Okay, dad said I'm on floor number seven.

"Daddy, can you walk me there?"
He smiles at me, nodding.
"Of course, Pip."

When we get out of the elevator I take a deep breath of the hot office air. It smells like cigars and ink, awesome! My dad and I walk down the hallway hand in hand.

Everything seems perfectly normal, until I catch sight of something that leaves me breathless.

He looks about thirty, although his skin appears perfectly smooth and beautifully toned. His long coat (which is strangely coloured, may I add) frames his muscular form perfectly. From his sculpted hips all the way to his defined cheek bones, the man looks to be a literal angel. And his hair, oh, his hair. The most full curly locks of silky smooth hair. I don't even realise I'm staring until-


My father greets with a smug smirk, nodding curtly. The man scoffs, brushing a stray strand of hair from his face.
"How original, you're a true poet, Hamil-"

He pauses, looking directly at me. Oh god oh god oh god what do I do? Am I blushing? Oh shit I'm blushing! I just stand there, with no clue what to do with myself. God damnit, Hamilton! Pull yourself together!

"And who might you be, little one" he purrs, examining me predatorily. I can't speak. Luckily, my dad interrupts me. "Back the fuck off, Jefferson. We all know you're a child predator, but if you lay a finger on my son I will personally tear you limb from limb and make a lovely stew out of your remains, which I will gladly donate to the local soup kitchen-"

The man, presumably named 'Jefferson', interupts my father, laughing.
"Wait a second" he says, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye. "You're tellin' me, that this-litte angel is your offspring?! Yeah right, Hamilton."

OH MY GOODNESS CAN YOU HEAR ME INTERNALLY SCREAMING HE CLLED ME AN ANGEL HOLY SHIT okay calm down Phillip calm down it was probably just your imagination calm down-

"Jefferson, seriously. He's only a kid, and it's his first day, back off."

Jefferson sighs, ruffling my hair. Oh my god he just touched me Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! Sorry readers, I'll stop fangirling... for now.

"Fine, but I won't make any promises, this little princess is difficult to resist." He winks, smirking at me.

"Oh my god Jefferson you're disgusting, that's my son!" My dad checks his watch, cursing to himself. He kisses me on the forhead before running down the hall. "I have a meeting in two minutes! Sorry Phillip, stay safe!!"

And with that, I'm alone with the man. I look up at him, blushing and muttering a quiet 'hi, I'm Phillip Hamilton.' He chuckles, extending a hand for me to shake. I take it. "Nice to meet you, Phillip. I'm Thomas, Thomas Jefferson." His hand is so so soft, I don't want to let go. And his eyes, they're absolutely enchanting.
"Where are you working, little one?"

"A- account-t-ting... accounting."

I don't usually stutter, but this man is so absolutely stunning, and he's so close to me.
"Oh really? Seems you won't be too far from my office. How about I walk you there, hm?"

I nod eagerly, the redness on my cheeks only darkening. I am well aware that I still haven't let go of Thomas' hand as we walk, but it's too soft and warm to loose.
"You're a quiet one, eh? A strong contrast to your father. You're also a lot cuter than him."

I tell myself to say something, anything at all, but I only succeed after a long pause.
"Not quiet, just a little flustered by this breathtaking view." I wink at him, smirking. He seems surprised, which I take as a victory on my part.

"Well, darling, you'll have to get used to it. I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other very, very often. Well, this is my stop," he says as we approach a large door. "Care to join me for a drink or two? Washington won't mind in the slightest, I'm sure."

It's only my first day at work, and I barely even know this man, but it's very difficult to say no to this.
"If you insist, then I suppose it'd be out of line for me to refuse."

Thomas smirks, opening his office door and letting me inside. The room is spacious, with a large desk, a couple couches, and some weird machine that appears to be for making... macaroni?

Whatever. A swivel chair sits behind the desk, cool. I cannot help but notice the... flamboyant colour of almost everything in the room. Magenta. Strange, although it really compliments Thomas' style. But none if the expensive, fancy decorations in this office manage to tear my eyes away from the crown jewel of the room; Thomas himself.

"Like what you see?"

Thomas asks, pouring two glasses of whiskey. To be honest, I like what I see, maybe a little too much. This is made extremely obvious by the little... 'problem' in my pants.

To be continued :)

I feel terrible for shipping this but I love it

I regret nothing

Alexander HamilsinWhere stories live. Discover now