8.0; promise

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     "tom! tom, can you sign this for me please?"

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"tom! tom, can you sign this for me please?"

"tom! we love you, tom!"

"tom, can i get a photo with you and y/n?"

"keep walking love, i'll be right there," tom mumbled under his breath, gently placing a hand on his girlfriend's back as he guided her towards the exit of the airport. bunches of fans stood behind barriers as they excitedly held out papers and posters and other pieces of merchandise for tom to sign. the couple had just gotten back from a trip to japan and were now in canada. the two were exhausted beyond belief, but tom couldn't say no to his fans that had probably been waiting there for hours. he just couldn't. so while tom stood back and happily chatted with fans, y/n- she was walked out with a security escort- hauled her suitcase towards the exit in hopes of safely reaching the car.

"y/n!" a shrill voice called, causing the girl to stop her walk and turn around. three teenage girls ran towards her, excitedly shoving photos at her to sign. "it's so cool to meet you!"

she looked down at the papers to see that they were photos of her and her boyfriend, and that made her smile tiredly.

"it's nice to meet you too," she responded, finally taking the pen as she signed their photos.

"what's it like dating tom?" they asked, causing her to laugh slightly.

"umm... interesting," she said, causing the girls to giggle. "no, but really, i do love him, and i-" she looked up momentarily, pausing as she came face to face with a phone. it was shoved in her face, recording her every move.

more fans had noticed holland's girlfriend stopped by the exit, unprotected by barriers and happily chatting away with fans. well, if they couldn't get tom to sign their stuff and talk, then maybe the girlfriend would. after all, she must know tom well due to the fact that they're dating. she's basically the next best thing.

soon y/n found herself surrounded by more people than she was comfortable with, all shoving things at her, flashing their cameras in her direction, talking loudly, making her feel like an animal in a cage. she couldn't breathe. many people didn't know, but y/n was very claustrophobic and suffered from social anxiety. tom was used to being crowded around people, getting the attention. he was the actor, after all. she wasn't.

"y/n! can we take a picture?"

"can you sign this for me, please??"

"y/n, y/n, say something nice about tom!"

thousands of different things being shouted at her, making her head spin. her hands were trembling and her lungs were finding it quite difficult to breathe.

"i-i, umm.." she couldn't speak, and desperately began searching for tom. for anyone for that matter. where the hell had the security guard gone??

"why can't you speak?"

"what's wrong?"

"you're not talking to us anymore? you think you're too good for us now, just because you date tom holland?"

those words made her eyes go wide. just a moment ago, everyone had been so friendly. now, she felt unsafe and attacked as they spat different insults at her.

"whoa, whoa, guys, back up." her eyes looked up to see tom squeezing past everyone to get to her, and as soon as he reached her the poor girl collapsed into his arms and began crying. the whole thing was a mess.

"back off, will you?!" tom yelled, causing most of the fans to cringe. no one had ever seen tom this angry before. it was actually quite scary. "for fucks sake, make some room please."

reluctantly, the people cleared a path and allowed the two to exit towards their cars. y/n was still bawling like a baby, her body shaking. tom never let go of her, helping her into the car, letting her cry into his shoulder.

"hey, it's alright now," he sighed, stroking her hair as he let her cry until she couldn't cry anymore.

"i-i-i didn't know what to do, and they were all around me and i just-" she began crying again, causing tom to frown. he hated seeing his girlfriend like this. he never liked her sad or upset or unhappy, especially not when her unhappiness was caused by himself.

"it's alright love, i won't let that happen to you ever again, okay? i'll keep you safe," he comforted, stroking her hair and giving her a gentle squeeze as she finally stopped her crying. she must have run out of tears, he figured.

"promise?" she whimpered, looking up at the boy. in turn, he gave her a gentle smile and wiped her cheeks with the pad of his thumbs.


a/n: hi. This imagine was kinda inspired by the fact that I have really bad anxiety, and tbh if I were dating tom I'd probably have an episode like this too. Just remember to be respectful to celebrities, their family, friends, and loved ones. anyway, have a good day and enjoy your weekend :)

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