18.0; first word

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    "say 'mommy,' baby

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    "say 'mommy,' baby. c'mon, say mommy!"

     "her first word!" tom exclaimed happily, hand gripping the video camera tightly in his clutches. all day you had been trying to get your daughter to utter her first word. it had been on the tip her tongue all day as she repeatedly stressed the phrase "mmmmm-" all day. the only word you two could guess she was trying to say was mommy. you were ecstatic. i mean, you felt entitled for your child to have her first word be 'mommy' considering she spent nine months in your womb. tom didn't seem too hurt by the choice, rather he was much more focused on the milestone your daughter was about to reach.

    "come on darling, you can do it," tom encouraged, "i believe in you!"

     "mmm... mmma..."

      "mamma? come on sweetie, say it!" you cried excitedly. the two of you held your breath as she seemed to fumble with the word. she was so close! the waiting was agonizing.

     "mmmaa... man-man."

      your smile slowly dropped into one of confusion as you and your husband both shared questioning looks.

      "man-man?" you repeated. "who's man-man?"

       "well don't like at me, i have no idea who that is!"

        "man-man, man-man, man-man!" your daughter chimes over and over, her gaze focused on an object behind the two of you. slowly, and in a way that tom was able to shift his gaze while still keeping the camera on the baby, you both turned around and followed her gaze. your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, then rose in realization, before sinking down in disappointment.

     for man-man wasn't meant for mom or dad. rather, it was meant for her spider-man plushie that tom insisted she sleep with every night. due to the constant reminders of her father being spider-man and all the comic book merch that littered the house because of her parents' shared love for the marvel character, your baby had been able to form her closest attempt to correctly pronouncing the name.

     "spider-man..." you pouted. "she wanted to say spider-man, not mommy or momma..."

       "don't fret babe," tom comforted, placing a loving kiss to your forehead. "i'm sure we'll get it next time. besides, she said her first word! we should celebrate!"

        a small smile graced your lips at your husband's words as you realized he was right. hearing her first word was a blessing and a privilege that you felt lucky to have. you loved your daughter and her father who she seemed to really take after. after all, shouldn't you be proud to be raising a marvel fan?

       "definitely," you replied, scooping up your baby in your arms before kissing her cheek. "we gotta show off our cute little marvel fan."
a/n; honestly idk what I was trying to do here but I just felt the need to update. anyway kids, I'm probably gonna publish a marvel imagine book soon. mostly for the mcu with maybe a little sprinkle of Deadpool and the x-men. but we'll see. but I might change my mind at the last second and post a Loki fic instead lolol. but anyway, if you guys have any requests for imagines or such feel free to private message me or leave requests in the comments and i will do my best to fulfill them! till then
~your friendly neighborhood spider-man's girlfriend :)

Tom Holland; Imagines, One Shots, and Other Things Where stories live. Discover now