24.0; i love you

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   y/n was in a hurry this morning as she gave her dog a quick kiss goodbye and bolted out the door with a piece of toast dangling from her mouth

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y/n was in a hurry this morning as she gave her dog a quick kiss goodbye and bolted out the door with a piece of toast dangling from her mouth. neither of her boots were on properly and she was too distracted to even notice the fact that it had begun to drizzle lightly on her little home in london. a swarm of butterflies had created a home in her tummy, and her heart felt like it could burst at any moment. she was in love, and she was going to finally tell him today.

she knew she had always loved him. after all, they've been best friends since they were younglings, so there was always a mutual connection. but the love she felt clenching at her heart now was so much more than platonic. it was magical and terrifying yet so thrilling at the same time. she was in love with her best friend, and after being convinced by both haz and his brothers, y/n was finally going to tell tom that she loved him with all of her heart. it didn't matter that she currently looked like some div running through the rain with her boots clumsily clunking along the concrete or her hair whipping wildly in the wind, all that mattered in that moment was him.

y/n would tell him how much she loved the way he smiled, the way he could always make her laugh no matter how upset she was. the way he was so kind and gentle towards others, so talented yet so humble and shy. thomas stanley holland was the perfect package, and y/n felt ready to finally tear into the wrapping paper and accept the one fate had decided to give her.

and as she finally reached the holland residence and bounded up the steps, she couldn't help but falter just slightly. for a moment there was a second of doubt, of insecurity and fear. she took a step back, then a step forward before pausing all the same. no matter the outcome, what she was about to reveal would change their friendship for the rest of their lives.

with a soft shake of her head and a deep breath for reassurance, y/n walked up to the door and rang the bell. it seemed like hours that she waited there, anticipating the moment to come ahead. but it was taking him so long, and she was so scared suddenly of what was to come.

the wooden door swung open, and there stood her best friend. his face was flushed and his curls unruly, a surprised look on his face as he took in the image of his best friend. her hair was damp and her clothing a mess, but she looked cute anyway.

"y-y/n/n? w-what are you doing here?" he stuttered, and she couldn't help but raise a brow at his jumpy state. was something wrong?

"i wanted to talk to you-"

"now's not a good time," he interjected quickly, feeling a tad guilty as the rather shocked look came onto her face. he wasn't acting like himself, he knew that. but what was he supposed to do when he had one girl outside his door and another waiting for him on the couch.

"oh... do you have company?" she tried to peek inside but was quickly blocked off by tom's body.

"y-yeah, haz is over..." tom mumbled, and she frowned.

"thomas, you're a terrible liar," she stated. "tell me the truth."

but before he could answer a sultry voice called from inside, "tom! i can't wait for you any longer, baby."

baby. she froze, suddenly unsure and panicked. she looked like a deer in the headlights, and reacted like one too as tom went to reach out for her. she flinched, stumbled back a few steps, and didn't dare to look back.

"y-you..." she couldn't even speak, too shocked at the realization that it had all been a terrible lie. he didn't love her, not the way she wanted him too.

"y/n, please, let me explain-"

"i.. i should go," she whimpered, and she ran. she ran all the way home, tripping and slipping along the puddles of rain that now seemed to be falling harder. her eyes were blurry from the tears and her heart held a different sensation now. it ached with pain, with heartbreak and betrayal. this wasn't what she had planned and definitely not what she had wanted.

yet as she bounded into her home and threw herself into her bed, she couldn't help but think that maybe he never really did love her in any way, shape, or form. after all, how could someone like tom love someone like y/n?

a/n; it's been forever since I last updated and I'm terribly sorry! I've just had bad writers block and there's been stuff happening at home ofc so it's just been hard. But I do plan on updating more! And I might do a part two to this if you guys would like! More to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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