Chapter 6

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Nightmare's expression went to happiness, to soft, to sadness, then to anger, in almost an instant.

Nightmare launched himself at Ink in almost a flash, as he grabbed Cross, and teleported to his throne.

Nightmare hugged Cross tightly, and protectively, as his tentacles did the same.

Cross was hesitant, but hugged back a little, gripping on Nightmare's jacket. They both blushed a light purple, or light blue.

"I told you so." Blue whispered, as Dream shook her head. "I don't trust him. He did this before, and it ended up badly." Dream said, as she summoned her staff, and held it out, as it transformed to a bow.

Dream pulled the string, as three arrows appeared, one upward, one downward, and the last straight forward.

Dream let go, as stars trailed it, and as the arrows twirled around each other, and formed one huge one, aiming straight for Nightmare.

But before it hit Nightmare, it was blocked.

Nightmare let go of Cross, as he got up, tiredly. "Dream! What're you doing here!?" Katrina yelled. She was the source of the force. Her eyes glowed a darker red, some of her hair fly up, and black horns with red tips on her head.

"Katrina?" Dream said, as her bow became a staff, then disappeared. "Dream. What're you doing!?" Katrina repeated herself. "Why do you care?" Ink asked as Katrina growled, then calmed down as she turned to Cross, who was helping Nightmare stand up correctly. "Take him to his room. He hasn't been sleeping, and he's been using too much of his magic." Katrina whispered, as Cross nodded, and obeyed.

Katrina looked back at Dream. "Katrina! Why do you work with him!? He only causes despair and pain!" Dream said. "Lies! He only does what's best for us!" Katrina said, as Dream shook her head. "This is no time for your stubbornness Katrina! Open your eyes! He's done nothing good since the start!" "And you have!?" Katrina shot back, clenching her fist together, as she took a step forward.

"No! I've helped the people that Nightmare messed with!" "But have you ever thought of that the other way around!?" Katrina shot back, making Dream silent. "Ms. Katrina. Mr. Nightmare needs your healing... Mr. Cross said." A smaller girl came up.

She had short white hair that stopped at her shoulders, sky blue eyes, and wore a plain white dress, without shoes.

"Thanks Lucy. Tell Cross I'll be there. And tell your mom to make some food. OK?" Katrina said, as her eyes stopped glowing, her hair stopped flying around, and her horns faded. Lucy nodded, as she started walking off. "And don't fall! Nightmare will be pissed again!" Katrina said as Lucy giggled, soon becoming out of sight.

Katrina looked at Horror, Dust, Error, and Killer, who were looking at the three skeletons. "Can you guys go in there? I have to talk to them." Katrina said as they nodded, and started leaving. "And Horror! Go tell Chara, Cross is here!" Katrina said as they were out of sight.

"Alright Dream. It's time for the truth. The real Truth..." Katrina said, teleporting in front of the three skeletons.

Cross helped Nightmare lay on his bed, a huge blush on his face. Nightmare's power was dangerously low, and he had gotten sick, but hid it.

Cross wasn't good at healing, so told a little girl to tell Katrina he need healing.

Cross grabbed Nightmare's blanket, and covered him with it. He sat down in front of his bed, watching him. Nightmares breathed heavily, as a light blue blush covered his cheekbones.

He had gotten the fever, but Cross didn't really know how to react.

Nightmare turned to his side, cuddling the blanket, as he was now facing towards Cross. Nightmare grunted in pain, as Cross pouted. "D-Do you want water?" Cross asked, as Nightmare nodded. Cross got up, about to teleport, only to have Nightmare grab his wrist. "Nightmare?" Cross said, blushing. "D-Don't leave." Nightmare said, not being able to keep his eyes open properly. Cross smiled a bit, loving the fact that Nightmare needed him.

Cross had gotten that feeling again. He felt he couldn't breath, think straight, and his cheekbones gotten really warm. He looked at Nightmare, who was completely weak, and vulnerable to any, and everything. Cross made it final. He's not going to leave Nightmare, no matter what. He'll make sure he's safe, and nothing, absolutely nothing happens to him.

Nightmare tugged Cross, not having enough strength to pull hard. "What wrong?" The feeling Cross had had worsened, pretty badly. "Come here... Cuddle me. Heal me..." Nightmare said, barely a whisper. Cross blushed more, as he thought he was imagining what he said. Then suddenly, Nightmare tugged him harder, pulling Cross closer, making him almost fall of Nightmare, but he caught himself. "Come here." Nightmare barely growled. "B-But... I..." Cross didn't want to say no... But at the sane time, not yes, because he doesn't want to worsen his condition. Nightmare took his blanket off, and pulled Cross, and cuddled him.

Nightmare buried his skill into Cross' shirt. Cross didn't know how to react, as he let Nightmare do whatever.
A light purple aura formed around nightmare and Cross, as Cross felt happy, truly happy.
Nightmare was healing, but Cross didn't know.

You have gained love

You can heal, help, feel more, and kill with it.

Cross blushed, as he held Nightmare closer to his chest, knowing he's safe.

Nightmare blushed as Cross pulled him closer, as he fell asleep, knowing Cross was safe.


Katrina sighed as tears streamed down Dreams' face. "You're lying." Dream said as she sniffed. "I'm not. Stop being so stubborn, Dream." Katrina said as she sobbed. "Then why did he eat it?" "Because. If he didn't, he would've died... This is your fault. If it wasn't for you ignoring him, he would've been his real self. But either way. I have to heal him." Katrina said as she made a portal.

Dream wiped her tears, as all the of the skeletons walked in, Dream staring at Katrina.

Katrina closed the portal, and teleported to Nightmare's room, to see Nightmare hugging Cross tightly, and the other way around, as a purple aura surrounded them. Katrina smiled, knowing that Cross has it covered, and teleported to her room.

She flopped on her bed, and stared at the ceiling. A dark red blush spreader on her cheeks as she thought of the one she loved. "My BlackBerry..." Katrina whispered, as she closed her eyes, and fell asleep, peacefully.

Error watched from the shadows as Ink walked inside Katrina's portal, a huge yellow blush on his face.

He made a portal, and walked through. Error laid on the grass ground, as he stared at the sky of OuterTale.

He had been capture there, but this time, he was deep in thought, and thought nothing of it, as he thought of that colorful female skeleton.

"She's so perfect..." Error thought, as he closed his eyes, soon falling asleep.

Killer and Dust walked out, as Horror walked away. They stopped and looked at each other, a red blush on Killer, and a blue on Dust.

Killer was shorter than Dust, so looked up a bit. Suddenly Dust grabbed Killer's wrist, and teleported to his room, and locked the door. Killer blushed more, as he back up from Dust. "What're you doing Dusty?" Killer asked, using his nickname he gave Jim. "Don't worry Kills. It'll be fine." Dust said as he grabbed Killer, lulling him close, with pressing their teeth together.

Killer's blush deepened, as he kissed back softly, wrapping him arms around Dust's neck, pulling him closer, and standing on his tiptoes.

Horror arrived where Chara was. "Chara?" Horror called out, as she turned to him. "Cross. He's back." Horror said as Chara stood up from her sitting position. "Are you serious?" Horror nodded. Chara smiled, as she ran up to him, hugging him tightly. "Thank you." Chara muttered, slowly falling asleep. Horror smiled, as he picked her up bridal style. "For what?" Horror asked as both of their faces lit up with red. "For being there..." Chara's eyes closed, as she fell asleep in his arms. "Anything for you." Horror lightly kissed her forehead, as he left for Chara's room, which was also Cross'.

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