New Crossmare story

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Hello, lovelies! How is your day/night?


So I made a new Crossmare story. 

Honestly, I made this one... December 22nd of 2018. And I remade it into the one I am publishing. Towards the end of the story, I lost interest in writing it, like- almost always... ((Which is why I barely have stories published))

But now I'm posting the story! :D

The Intro...

The legend of the Prince of Darkness and Negative feelings.

It's a well-known legend across all AU's.

It was many, many, many, many years ago.

Back when there were Sirens, Mermaids, Vikings, Queens, Kings, even Dragons.

When every Mythical creature was alive.

There was the most powerful queen; Oya. She's known for protecting her kingdom and making sure the feelings were protected.

She soon found love and fell in love with a sailor.

Oya was soon pregnant with two babies.

After the children were born, they had taken in her powers.

One protecting positive feelings and making sure everyone was happy, and the other protector of negativity and making sure everyone was aware.

But... Sadly, the smaller ones, the prince of negativity had disappeared without a trace, leaving their kingdom in pure positivity, causing chaos.

Many years after the Prince's of Negativity's disappearance, a deadly captain was known across all the seas; The Dark Captain.

He was seeking something; something no one would ever dare to seek; The Diamond Apple."

If you decide to read, I hope you enjoy the story! Bye!! >;3c

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