Chapter 5

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" Jimin I thought we would never see each other again" I felt my heart beating faster and faster as I noticed that  Jin was hugging me. My face turned bright red and we stared into each other's eyes.

" Didn't you know I was in this school?"   I said trying to sound as calm as possible but I was very nervous. I mean how are you supposed to feel if the love of your life is hugging you when you need it the most?

" No I didn't know, but it was hard not to notice you" 

" Jiiiiin you're  supposed to be the bottom!" He started blushing and I could tell I made him  nervous.

" J-Jimin w-what are you talking about? We aren't even a couple!"

" Not yet, but we will be very soon"

" Jimin stop teasing me " He said while pouting

" I'll do it when you stop being so cute"

" Jimin you're making me feel embarrassed of myself, I hate you"

"Ok I'm sorry Jin, if it helps I was literally just crying because I was jealous of whatever happened between you and Hoseok. Look, now you're not the only one embarrassed"

"I-Is that true?"

" Why would I ran away crying if I wasn't jealous?"

" But why didn't you visit me all this time if you weren't angry?"

" Iwantedtolookmybestwhenwesaweachotheragain"I said as fast as I can because telling him that wasn't in my plans.

" S-So that's why you looked even better than I remember"

"I thought I was the one supposed to be blushing not you" I  smirked

" It's just that I was really surprised when I saw you. Y-You look very handsome "

"Thank you, I have been working out lately"

"That's great, but don't force yourself too much" He said with a worried face.

"But then you won't like me as much"

" That's not true! Jimin you can hurt yourself! What do you think you're doing?!" He looked very worried and he was talking really fast. Cute.

"I know, I know,I won't hurt myself, I just like seeing you all worried about me" He pouted and oh boy I was sure I could feel my heart pounding, but his eyes suddenly widened last like he realized something.

"Oh my gosh! Yoongi is waiting for me, he will get angry if I don't hurry up!"


"Yeah, mm I guess I haven't told you about him, since it's been a while since we talked"

"I-Is he your boyfriend?"

"N-No he's my best friend" I felt instantly relieved when he said that.

It seemed like Jin was still mine

"Well, I guess you should go with him, but I would like to go for a walk and talk with you another day , is that ok?"

"Yeah! That's a good idea"

Even though we didn't talk that much I was happy we did, because that was enough to make me feel more confident about myself, more confident about us. Because even if we experienced some difficulties and even if there were a thousand boys head over heels for Jin, at the end of the day, we would end up together because we were soulmates. And he would choose me.

Or at least I hoped so



We arrived to my apartment after a whole day of school. Ok  we skipped most of the classes we had but I needed a rest!


"Yooooongiii! I don't feel like doing anything! Can we skip the rest of the classes and go to my house? I'll cook your favorite food! Please?"

"Ok baby, but tomorrow we won't skip another class"

"Yaaay I love you!" I said while giving him a little peck on the cheek

*End of the flashback *

And now we were going to watch a movie on Netflix, but there was a power cut.

And I started crying.

A power cut was probably the worst thing that could've happened, it made me scared, not just because of silly reasons but because it made me remember. It made me remember each and every word my bully used to tell me, I would remember how he hurt me and how much I wanted to die. I tried to get over it but I couldn't, his words were stuck in my head. He used to kick me while saying me

"That's right, try to close your eyes to erase the pain, but when you see the darkness I want you to remember how lonely you really are, how useless you're, I want you to remember that darkness is the only thing you have because no one will ever help you"

I started crying and I couldn't stop, I hated the dark.

"Shh Jin, everything is fine, I'm here I'll protect you"

That's right Yoongi was there to protect me, he would help me, he was always helping me.

"T-Thank you"

" It's ok, do you want to go for a walk while you calm down?"


We got out of the house and we walked, when I finally calmed down I felt like it was necessary to thank Yoongi.

"Yoongi, stop walking please, I want to tell you something" He did as I said and I started talking again.
"I wanted to thank you, because you know, even if you said it was nothing it really means a lot, You're the only one that knows I'm dealing with this, and you have helped me get through so much I don't know how to thank you. But I do know that every time I remember what he said me, his words doesn't affect me as much because now I know I don't live in darkness or in loneliness because I have you. And you've brought light to that darkness. And when I remember he said I had nothing, I can now see that's false because I have you, and you're everything I need because you're my everything" I was about to continue and we were both already crying tears of happiness when I heard a voice that made me want to return to my apartment and never come back.

"Jin?" It was Namjoon, my bully
Sorry I thought I uploaded this last Sunday and I just noticed I didn't, but I hope you liked it, I love y'all 💕💕💕. Are you ready for next chapter?

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