Chapter 10

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Today was the day. You were so worried. You hoped Hiccup had come up with a very good plan. If he didn't, you all were effectively screwed or that dragon was going to get hurt. You knew Hiccup couldn't actually hurt a dragon, but someone else might. Worse, Hiccup would get hurt. You did not want that to happen.

Cala was awake and fine, but she knew and tried to blab to your parents. Everyone acted/thought that she was crazy thanks to the poison. You were all relieved about that. Nobody believing her was a good thing. Although now she had bloodthirsty eyes on you and Hiccup since the entire village thought she was crazy and jealous because she told on Hiccup too. You knew she would be a problem if this kept up which was another reason why you hoped Hiccup had come up with a very very good plan. 

Everyone was there to watch. You and Arrow were with Hiccup. Stoick was getting ready to start the event. You were holding your breath even now. There was so much at risk. Everything had to go right. You didn't want to even think about the endless horrible possibilities of what would happen if it didn't.

Soon enough, Stoick started his speech. "Well, I can show my face in public again! If someone had told me that in just a few short weeks, Hiccup would go from being, well...Hiccup, to placing first in Dragon Training... Well, I would've tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad. Yes! And you know it! But here we are. And no one's more surprised...or more proud than I am. Today, my boy becomes a Viking. TODAY, HE BECOMES ONE OF US!" You knew that wasn't true. 

Your anxiousness was rising by the second. Your family was up with your parents along with your angry sister who was starring death at you all practically. Arrow had denied any involvement in the so-called 'dragon encounter', so she was out for him too now. Everything was on thin ice.

"Be careful with that dragon." You said as Hiccup continued to dread what was coming.

"Yeah. Be careful, Hiccup." Arrow agreed. He glanced at his father.

"It's not the dragon I'm worried about."

"What are you gonna do?" You asked.

"Put an end to this." Arrow looked doubtful. "I have to try." You hugged him tightly, not caring if he noticed how scared you really were. You trusted him enough to show your true fears around him. You wanted him to be safe. 

"I believe in you." He hugged back for a moment before you regretfully let go and he sighed heavily.

"Arrow, (Y/n), if something goes wrong...just make sure they don't find Toothless. Or Nightshade."

"We will. Just...promise us it won't go wrong." Arrow told him. Before he could leave, you hugged him one last time. He was a little surprised by the second one, but you made this one quick. He didn't get a chance to hug back.

"Be careful. I'll be right here, praying for you the whole time." You promised.

"I know. I won't let you down." Then, Gobber came up and said,

"It's time, Hiccup. Knock him dead." Hiccup left and you watched with worried eyes as he did. Hiccup grabbed a dagger and said,

"I'm ready." The doors opened and a large, red, flaming, Monstrous Nightmare burst out of the doors. It climbed around, blasted fire at some people who dodged the flames, and then it finally spotted Hiccup and came down. It came toward him slowly. He dropped both his shield and weapon.

"What is he doing?" Stoick asked.

"It's okay. It's okay." He said to the dragon. He took off the helmet and said, "I'm not one of them." He threw it away and it looked at him curiously. Others gasped and your sister grinned evilly. You didn't even notice as of now.

"Stop the fight." Stoick said.

"No! I need you all to see this. They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them." Is it going to work...?

"I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!" Stoick yelled, banging his hammer. The Nightmare grew hostile and snapped at him. Your heart jumped. Terror surged through your body.

"Hiccup!" Arrow yelled.

"NO!" You screamed. You took action as he ran, screaming. You grabbed an ax and pried the door open, slipping inside.

"(Y/n)! Don't!" Arrow said. You hardly heard him.

"SIS, NO!!" Ash yelled in terror. You ran over and jumped. You grabbed a horn and it angrily started shaking you around.


"(Y/N)!" Hiccup yelled. Suddenly you were flung off and you smashed into the wall. You sat there, dazed. Your ears were ringing and your head hurt. "NO!!" Hiccup's scream sounded fuzzy and far away. Your eyes focused as you opened them. You froze in terror as the Nightmare loomed in front of you. I'm going to die. You thought.

"AAAAHHH!" You screamed in terror, but suddenly, a blast happened and you heard more roaring. The smoke cleared and you saw Toothless and Nightshade fighting it. Hiccup raced over to you.

"(Y/n)!! Are you okay?! Why did you do that!?" He asked worriedly. You smiled softly at him.

"I would never let anything happen to you." You promised. Before he could say anything the dragon fight was over. You both raced over to them.

"Go, you two! Get out of here!" Hiccup said. "Go! GO!" He said as you both pushed them. Stoick came at Toothless along with many others. Toothless growled as did Nightshade.

"No! Dad, they won't hurt you!" Hiccup said. Your bothers took down Nightshade, secretly pretending to be on the other side. You knew this and Nightshade also must've known cause she didn't attack. You backed away and luckily they weren't hurt. You were hurt emotionally though. What's going to happen now?

Third Person POV

"I should have known. I should have seen the signs."


"We had a deal!"

"I know we did, but that was before- Ugh, it's all so messed up!"

"So everything in the ring...a trick?! A lie?"

"I screwed up. I should have told you before now. Take this out on me, be mad at me, but please...just don't hurt Toothless."

"The dragon? That's what you're worried about? Not the people you almost killed?!"

"He was just protecting me! He's not dangerous!"

"They've killed HUNDREDS OF US!"

"AND WE'VE KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEM! They defend themselves, that's all! They raid us because they have to! If they don't bring enough food back, they'll be eaten themselves. There's something else on their island,'s a dragon like-"

"Their island? So you've been to the nest."

"Did I say nest?"

"How did you find it?!"

"No...I didn't! Toothless did! Only a dragon can find the island! ...Oh, no, no. Dad, no! Dad! It's not what you think! You don't know what you're up against! It's like nothing you've ever seen! Dad, please! I promise you that you can't win this one! No! Dad, no! FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME!"

"You've thrown your lot in with them. You're not a Viking. You're not my son." Stoick said sternly, distancing himself and darkening his heart. His mind was made up. He turned. "READY THE SHIPS!" Hiccup stayed there, completely shocked. Everything had gone wrong.

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