Chapter 3 - Losers Always Cries...

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Taeyeon's P.O.V

I made Bomi fall down. Again! She looks so pathetic! She was fighting back her tears. When she fell, she looked back at me. She gave me the same stare. The stare that Baekhyun gave me. What is it? Who does she think she is? She's just a pathetic loser. I get hold of myself, and just laugh as hard as I can. Again. He appeared again. Why? Why not me? Can't he just love me...?

He gives me that same glare that the pathetic girl had. For some reason, my body sends me a signal to run away from him. I run. I run as fast as I can until I reach my next class.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

I guess she was tired. Really tired. As soon as I put her down to the ground, she sat on the bed, and she laid down. She slightly closed her eyes, and she fell asleep. The nurse told me that she would take care of her. Well, she also asked me to return back to class. I was worried, but I had to go back.

" Can you take good care of her? I think she was really tired. She also had a rough day today so..." I said.

"Sure. It's my job to help these students." She laughed.

"Thanks, see you again!" I said.

"Bye!" she said.

I went back to class, and the other students started to cover their mouth with their hands. They were making a whole love story of me and Bomi. I just laughed, and said we were friends. We are right? Maybe more?

Bomi's P.O.V

I sat on the bed. Still my leg is bleeding. I don't even know, the bed was keep pulling me. It pulled me until I laid on the bed. My eyes were closing. And that eyes, it was very blurry. With my blurry eyes, I looked at Baekhyun. He gave me that sweet smile of his, and everything went black. All I could do was listen.

" Can you take good care of her? I think she was really tired. She also had a rough day today so..." he said.

As soon as I heard that, my heart started to pound like crazy. It was pounding so hard, that I thought that he was going to hear me. But, I couldn't hear anything afterwards, and I fell in a deep sleep.

I woke up, and notices that I only slept for 20 minutes. She told me that I was okay now, and then I noticed a brown thing wrapped on my leg.

"I bandaged you leg. I wrapped it about 30 times so I'm pretty sure that it was fall out easily." The nurse said.

"Thank you so much! I think I can go back to class!" I said.

I went back to the class and all the kids looked and me. They teased me about my new boyfriend. What do they mean? What boyfriend?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You don't know your own boyfriend?" They all teased.

I didn't get it... what did they all mean? I mean, since it was break time, kid were in other classes. And some kids were in our class. I guess they went back to their class and told the other classmates. The rumour spread like a group of butterflies. Baekhyun ran into our classroom.

"Bomi! I have to talk to you!" Baekhyun said.

"Baekhyun and Bomi sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The kids sang.

I ran to Baekhyun as he also looked confused. We ran out where there was nobody.

"What do they mean? What are they talking about?" I asked shocked.

"I don't kno..."

"What do you mean you don't know! My life is ruined! What are you doing!" I shouted.

"I mean..."

"No excuses! I am so done with you now!" I said.

I ran into the bathroom and Baekhyun tried to grab me. He missed. I should've not screamed... He wasn't sure too... It's not his fault too. In fact, he was trying to help me... I went outside, and he was there. Standing in front of me.

"I'm sorry... I... I was just too... shocked. I'm so sorry... you don't have to be friends if you don't want to..." I said.

"It's okay... I was just also wondering what happened... and also... I need you... I mean, I need you to help me know the way to my classes right?" he laughed.

I laughed with him. I guess he isn't a bad guy after all.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

What's happening... Why is everybody talking about us... I see Taeyeon snickering... I get it. I do. It's Taeyeon. I run to Bomi. Bomi asks me what happens. I try to reply but she cuts me off and gets mad. She runs of to the bathroom. She yells words at me, but I didn't hear any because my mind was not functioning. Why? Because Bomi was screaming her head off and I couldn't bear it. I mean I feel bad... I actually like that rumour... I wish it was not a rumour... I like Bomi.

Taeyeon's P.O.V

I like Baekhyun. I sure do. But I guess he doesn't. He likes Bomi. That stupid pathetic girl. Bomi. Why? I'm so much more prettier, and I am more popular. Why? Why does it have to be that stupid girl? It's time for my revenge, and I will take Baekhyun from her. Wait. Just wait. It's my time, and it will all be mine. Wait Bomi. I am going to get you to pay.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

Time pasts to fast. My 1 week that Bomi is going to help me throughout school ended. Now, I have to go around by myself! How boring.

"Hi Baekhyun!"

"What? Who is that?" I said.

I look back and I see Bomi. She is wearing a cute white skirt and white t-shirt.

"Wait Bomi... don't we have uniforms?" I asked.

"Of course we do! But today is a dressdown day so we can wear anything today!" Bomi said.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot!" I said.

"You're so silly!" Bomi said.

"Wow! What are those 2 love birds doing over there?"

I heard a voice, and I looked at Bomi. She looked scared. Her face was covered with fear. I look back. It was Taeyeon. What is she going to do now...

*End of Chapter 3*

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