Chapter 11 - "I'm not a little boy..."

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Baekhyun's P.O.V

I waited in the emergency next to Bomi while the doctors checked on her.

"Dad... don't leave me... Dad no please..."

"Huh?" I stared at Bomi.

Bomi was crying, and she was saying things. Then, she suddenly stood up from her bed. She was crying, and she was looking around.

"Don't worry... you're going to be fine..." I patted her.

She laid back down, and gave me a smile.

"Baekhyun... I saw my dead dad... and... Thank you for staying with me..."

I smiled back, and she fell asleep.

When I turned my head to the opposite sides of Bomi, I heard it.

"I love you Baekhyun..."

I turned around and saw Bomi smiling in her sleep....

"Love you too... Bomi"

That was when Chanyeol, D.O and the teachers came.

Thankfully, D.O and Chanyeol was the only ones who heard my talk with Bomi.

"Wow. What a talk," said D.O

I remembered that it was the day to leave Singapore.

The thing was that Bomi was alone and she had to stay in the hospital. I decided to stay with Bomi, because I knew I was old enough, and that I was mature enough to ride the plane by myself. The teachers asked if it was really okay for me. They left, and my friends left with them. Later on, Bomi waked up.

"You k?" I asked.

"Yeah... I think so?"

She was perfectly fine, and I was so relieved to hear the doctors say that she can leave.

We had to leave 4 days later because the teacher moved our plane ticket dates.

Also, I got to be in a hotel room, by myself. But I guess I will have to share that one room with Bomi because she came from the hospital.

I rode a taxi with Bomi, and arrived to the hotel. The room had one bed, one bathroom, one blanket, 2 pillows, and nothing else. How was I supposed to live in here for 4 days with Bomi?!

Bomi's P.O.V




"Uhm... in here? With you?" I asked shocked.

"Um sorry Bomi... I didn't know that you were healing that fast so...I got the small room..." he replied.

"No.. It's ok...I'm hungry" I lied changing the topic.

"Then let's go eat!" Baekhyun said.

"Yay! Sure..."

We went to this restaurant and went to the movies. There were so many movies that Korea didn't have yet, so I decided to pick one and watch that one with Baekhyun.

I chose, "Annabelle, thinking that it won't be THAT bad." I said with confusion.

"A..Ana..belle?!" he asked shivering.

"It's totally fine if you don't want to! You can choose," I said smiling.

"No.. It's fine," he said giving a fake smile.

We went into the theater.

The movie started, and the movie was just killing me. I threw my popcorn everywhere, and I noticed something going over my hands.

It was Baekhyun, as he slowly started to grab my hands. My heart pounded so much that I couldn't even concentrate. The movie ended, and Baekhyun was just out of his mind.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

When we went to the movie theater, Bomi chose "Annabelle." Why does it have to be that movie...

You know what? I'm a man...boy...? There. Let's watch it. I'm totally not scared. I'M A MAN!~

-1 Hour Later-

I would kill myself rather than watching that again. I WILL NEVER EVER SEE THAT AGAIN. Bomi was not even concentrating on the movie after she threw that popcorn in the bald man's head. (I surely thought his head was familiar... LIKE AN OCTOPUS!!!!)

I think that the bald man had some issues... he just stared at me for a while, and later on, once every 5 minutes stared at me. WELL IT WASN'T ME OLD MAN! Bomi on the other side, was not even looking at the movie. He was looking at her han...her hand and my hand. I noticed that I was holding her hand, and quickly tried to pull it away, but... I didn't feel like it. Later on, I decided to walk back to the small hotel room with Bomi.

D.O's P.O.V

Where did Baekhyun and Bomi go? They didn't ride the plane with us.

Chanyeol's P.O.V

I am wondering what was going to happen to Bomi and Baekhyun. Why the heck did the teachers leave Baekhyun and Bomi together in Singapore. YES. IN SINGAPORE. Our plane headed back to Korea, and I saw D.O looking around the plane.

"Bomi, Baekhyun." He said.

"They are still in Singapore spending their time." I answered.

D.O gave me his "penguin eye" and later grossed out again. Oh... and I also wonder why D.O doesn't talk so much like the others...

*End of Chapter 11*

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