Chapter 15 - "Not Boyfriend and Girlfriend anymore..."

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Hi guys~! Now it is the end of the book... I can't believe it actually finished, but I'm also proud that this is my first series that I could finish. I'll return with more upgraded and better books~! Thank you and love all of you that voted, and love you all. *tears up*
BYE~! <3

Baekhyun's P.O.V

Today is my "dream come true" day!<3

Bomi has a d-day on her phone and it's day 1.

(If you guys don't know what a d-day is, it is a korean way to count how many days you've been doing something. In this case, it is Bomi and Baekhyun 1st date.)

Bomi's P.O.V

I forgot to ask Baekhyun about what we actually were...

"Baekhyun... now can you please tell me all those powers and red eye thingy? Please...?"
"Of course... now that you are my girlfriend..."
"So basically, our whole family has a generations of the red eye thing. I don't know but it is proven that it is only our family in the whole world that has it. But the thing is that if one of the red eye power person has fallen in love with somebody, that person also gets the red eye power."

That was when I started to blush. So... he liked me from when I got my powers.

"So you liked me about when I got my powers?" I asked.

"No, it's not that... I think I liked you from before, but I just didn't know that I liked you..."

"Oh~ Can you continue?" I asked.

"Oh and if the red eye person can't get the person to love him/her back, then that person will die eventually, and the powers for that person will go away. We got to start reading other's mind because that was when we truly figured out our feelings for each other." Baekhyun explained.

"So if I didn't like you, you would've died?! You were liking me risking your life!!!" I said shocked.

"Yeah... But I liked you that much," he said giving me a warm smile.

------------8 Years Later------------

Baekhyun's P.O.V

Today is the day... the last day I will be bf and gf with Bomi.

Now it is time to be wife and husband...

D.O's P.O.V

Baekhyun and Bomi?
I want a girlfriend too.

Chanyeol's P.O.V

Wow they're getting married now~! I'm so proud of my bestie Baekhyun.


Bomi's P.O.V

Baekhyun and I are finally getting married! My parents congratulated me, and also my friends did.

That was when a uninvited person came to the wedding.

"Um Bomi... and Baekhyun...?"

"Taeyeon?! I mean wow... you're Taeyeon...!" I said shocked.

"I knew I wasn't really invited, but I wanted to tell you guys that I'm really sorry for what I did..."

I looked at her, she looked very guilty.

I gave Baekhyun a look and he just smiled at me.

*Say something Baekhyun - Bomi*
*What do I say?! - Baekhyun*

*Argh you dummy! -Bomi*

I just sighed.

"It's okay Taeyeon," I smiled, "come and enjoy our wedding with us~!"
"Taeyeon just smiled and gave me a hug."
"Thank you... and sorry..." Taeyeon whispered.

Later on, Chorong, Naeun, Namjoo, Hayoung, and Eunji all came to the wedding.

"Thank you all for coming, and love you all~!"

"Bomi, I'm so thankful that you are my girlfrie... I mean wife," he blushed.

"Me too-"

That was when he kissed me and everyone cheered.

"I love you," Baekhyun whispered.

"Love you too <3"

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