Chapter 4 - My Heart

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Baekhyun's P.O.V

"Wow! What are those 2 love birds doing over there?"

I heard a voice, and I looked at Bomi. She looked scared. Her face was covered with fear. I look back. It was Taeyeon. What is she going to do now...

Bomi's P.O.V

I wore the skirt and the t-shirt that my mom told me to wear. What's this feeling? I have a feeling that I have to look better. That I have to look pretty, cute... I don't know why. My hearts just tells me to. I do makeup, and try to look the best. I go to school and I notice Baekhyun. My body just turns towards him. I run.

"Hi Baekhyun!" I say

He turns back at me and gives me a surprised look.

"Wait Bomi... Don't we have uniforms?" he asks.

"Of course we do! But today is a dressdown day so we can wear anything today!" I said.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot!" he said.

"You're so silly!" I laughed.

That's when things started to happen again.

"Wow! What are those 2 love birds doing over there?"

I heard a voice and look right at her. She was there. Why? Why does she always have to do this to me? What did I ever do to her? It was Taeyeon. That disgusting girl. Baekhyun looked at me, and he looked straight at her. He looked worried.

"I said never to come back to us again!" he said.

"Well, it's my choice, and I never said that I will promise you!" Taeyeon said.

"Go. Right now. Before... just go." Baekhyun said.

That was when Taeyeon tried to look cute and went to Baekhyun's side.

"Baekhyun! Why are you doing this to me! Don't you like me?" she said.

"No." he said.

Taeyeon was a little embarrassed, but she kept going on.

"You don't? Come on! Get off that girl! She's so pathetic. I look so much more prettier than her!" Taeyeon said.

"You? Just shut up, and go away before I..." he stopped.

He stopped talking about what he was trying to say, but Taeyeon seemed to know what Baekhyun meant. She sashayed as fast as she can and ran away. I looked at him, and he looked so stressed. He looked at me and smiled. His eye... What?! HOW?! His eye where red... and it was slowly changing back to his normal eye color, dark brown.

"Ba... Baekhyun..." I said.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" he asked.

"Your eyes... I- It's r-red..." I shivered

My eyes were full of tears.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

I had a fight with Taeyeon... and now, Bomi knows my secret... how?

"Ba-Baekhyun..." she said

I asked her if anything was wrong. But I think something is wrong. She looked at me as if I am a monster... a thing she never saw. Why?

"Your eyes... I-It's r-red..." she shivers.

Her eyes are full of tears, and I know what's happening. My eyes... it shows... how? Nobody can see it. Only me... and my family... were the only ones who can see my eyes... how? She's not my family, and she isn't really related... why? I live by myself because of various reasons. I call my parent...

"Mom... What should I do?" I say.

"What? What happened? Are you alright sweetie?" She asks

"Mom... a girl... a girl...-"


"Mom, she knows my secret..." I say quietly.

"Did you just call me because of that? Sweetie what kind of secret is it? Like a secret that you like her?" She asked.

"No! She knows that my eyes can turn red... you know... that thing I had from the right beginning I was born!" I exclaim.


"Mom it's not that-"


"I'm sorry, my eyes, I can't control them! It just turns red when I'm mad!" I say.

"Ok. I calmed down. Sweetie, just try your best and act like nothing happened in front of her. Okay sweetie?" she asked.

"Okay mom."

The phone hung up, and I knew that this was something that I had to hide. But, what's this feeling that I have to tell her tomorrow at school? What is this feeling?

Bomi's P.O.V

I came back home, wondering what just happened today. I was scared. Really scared. Baekhyun's eyes turned red. He looked like he would've killed something. I was scared to go back to school.

"Mom... can I not go to school today? I really think that I can't go to school..." I said.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" She asked.

"No I'm fine." I said.

I actually wasn't okay. After he came to this school a lot of weird things were happening to me. Who is he? And what is he? I should ask. Bomi, you can do it!

Taeyeon's P.O.V

I ran away like an idiot. Baekhyun's eyes. It was red. What the heck is wrong with me? I'm running away like an idiot, and not I see red eyes. My eyes are so weird. Maybe I was tired. I should get a few minutes of sleep.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

It's the morning and I do not want to go to school. Bomi is going to run away from me, and she is going to think I am a monster. I arrive to school, and I see Bomi. She looks up at me, and walks up to me...

*End of Chapter 4*

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