Going Out

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After Sunset went back to Equestria, her friends decided to let Garrett take Sunset's place as rhythm guitarist/singer for their band, The Rainbooms. He was a welcomed member, and a good singer. It was a few months after Super Mario Bros went into post production. Afterwards, the movie premiered. Garrett got to see the film with the cast and crew. The reviews were positive from both Nintendo fans and movie critics, stating the film was superior to the 1993 original, and stayed faithful to the source material. And Garrett was satisfied with the final result. After that, Garrett got to work on writing the script to An Italian Vampire Slayer In Brooklyn. It wasn't hard. Two weeks later, Garrett called Canter. "Hey boss," he said on the phone, "I finished the script. Yeah, I'm going to print it. Alright, I'll give you the script tomorrow so you can read it tomorrow, and give it to the studio. Okay, take care now." He then hung up, and smiled, satisfied with what he wrote. He then printed the script, which was around 120 pages. 

A minute later, Garrett's phone rang. "Hello?" Garrett asked. "Hey Garrett." Twilight said on the phone. "Oh hey Twilight, what's up? Is it time to practice with the band?" Garrett asked, smiling. Recently, after Sunset went back to Equestria, Garrett had been debating with himself whether he was in love with Twilight, but he couldn't deny his feelings anymore. Call it a life's too short type of thing, but Garrett now wanted to make each and every moment count. "No rehearsals, well, not yet, anyway," confessed Twilight, "but I was wondering what you're doing...?" Garrett smiled, he enjoyed hearing the sound of her voice. "Oh, I just completed the script to my movie," replied Garrett, "and I'm printing it as we speak."

"That's wonderful Garrett!" Twilight happily said on the phone, "I was wondering... Would you like to hang out and get some ice cream, just the two of us?" Garrett looked at his watch, and said, "sure, can I meet you at Cold Stone's Ice Cream?" The last page printed, and it said, "as the credits end, there is no scene to proceed after the credits, however the following text is shown, saying...

In Loving Memory of My Family, for whom this story would not be possible without their inspiration. I love you and miss you. GS." 

"Sure, see you there," said Twilight as she then hung up. Garrett put his phone in his pocket, and picked up all 120 pages of his novel, and stapled them all together. He then went to Cold Stone, and met up with Twilight there. Twilight ordered a scoop of her favorite flavor, and Garrett ordered a scoop of his favorite flavor, and paid for both ice creams. After they got their ice creams, Garrett and Twilight walked around talking. "I'm sure the studio wouldn't mind The Rainbooms doing the soundtrack for the movie," said Garrett, "we could write a few original songs."

"Sounds like a great idea," said Twilight, "I'm really happy that you're getting a chance to do your own story, even if it's a horror movie."

"Well, technically, it's a comedy that pays tribute to campy B-Movie horror films," corrected Garrett, "and my story makes fun of how silly of a concept the whole thing is." Twilight smiled. She loved to see Garrett talk about things he was passionate about. "But speaking of horror films, want to hear an interesting fact about a certain horror movie legend?" Garrett asked. "Sure," replied Twilight, interested. "Well, we all know who the late Wes Craven was," explained Garrett, "but here's the thing... Wes Craven never wanted to do horror films. He actually wanted to do romantic films. But when he directed horror films like The Hills Have Eyes and Nightmare On Elm Street, which were monster hits, no pun intended, he ended up being typecast as the Master of Horror/Sultan of Slash. However, with the success of Scream, he was able to direct some non-horror films."  

"Interesting," said Twilight, who was fascinated with what she learned. "Garrett, there's another reason I wanted to see you," explained Twilight, "I was wondering... Is there a special girl you're interested in?" This surprised Garrett, but he admitted, "well, there's one girl whom I think is special. She's motivated me to make me live my life to the fullest. And I'm going to show her right now..." He then looked at Twilight, and then kissed her on the lips. Twilight was at first surprised, but then she closed her eyes, embracing the kiss. When the kiss ended, Twilight stuttered, "why Garrett, I... Wow... Wow..." She blushed. She looked into his cyan eyes. 

"I've always had feelings for you Twilight," confessed Garrett "from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I found the person I would love. And I don't usually believe in love at first sight. Until I met you." He looked into her violet eyes.

"Oh Garrett," said Twilight, "I feel the same way about you. I love you!" Garrett smiled and asked, "I love you too. I got a question for you... Twilight Sparkle, will you be my girlfriend?" Twilight gasped, then she hugged him and then kissed him on the lips, and as soon as she was done, she excitedly said, "YES! I mean, yes Garrett Shimmer, I will be your girlfriend!" Garrett smiled and hugged his girlfriend. He was now happy to be with Twilight. For he loved her with all his heart, and she loved him with all her heart. And that was all that mattered.

The End

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