Chapter 1

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You slipped through the old building silently, guns at the ready. It wouldn't be smart to walk around unarmed in an city. You wore your cat suit. It was a black catsuit with a cowl the was always pulled low over your face. You didn't want S.H.I.E.l.D. to get a lock on your position, and knew better then to show your face here, or anywhere. Now that you didn't have S.H.I.E.L.D.'s protection, you had to be extra careful.  

you had been traveling for half a year across the world, trying to find the missing part to the file you had found at S.H.I.E.l.D. It had been so long ago, and it had brought you to the basement of an old HYDRA base. You had been following Maddie's footsteps across the globe, and it had lead you here. 

The basement of the old HYDRA base was dark and musty. cobwebs stuck to everything and there was a fine layer of dust everywhere. You took each step carefully. Who know what booby traps were still in working condition. You had no wish to die from a hundred year old dysfunctional HYDRA base. 

And dysfunctional it was. Your wavering beam of light illuminated bloodstained walls, cages, science labs where sick, twisted people had done who knows what to other human beings. You quickly shut the thought down. Now was not the time. You needed full focus on the present. 

You carefully scanned each step you took, placing each foot very carefully as you walked past the room and down a hallway. the shadows seemed to scurry away from your light, as if the eternal darkness that had resided over this building was finally breaking. The dawn of a new age.

You picked your way down the hallway, then stopped as something seemed out of place. Your instincts where warning you about something, but the hallway looked perfectly fine. Maybe it was your paranoia kicking in. It probably was, with all the evil that still seemed to be inside these walls.

Time to chose, Agent (L/N)

if you chose to stop, go to chapter 3.

If you chose to keep going, go to chapter 2

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Where stories live. Discover now