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Maddie's eyes snapped open as a woman's panicked scream rang out. It took Maddie a second to realize that it was a woman's scream because it was so animalistic, filled with fear. She tensed, the sudden scream putting every nerve on edge. Was it HYDRA? The captain's voice came over the speakers.  

"We would like to encourage all passengers to buckle up. We have hit a spot of rough turbulence. There is no need to be frightened." The plane bounced a few times, wobbled, then leveled out it's flight. Maddie tensed as another scream pierced the air. Maybe it really was HYDRA. No. It was just turbulence. But could she be absolutely sure? Maddie took a deep breath, steadying her nerves. It would do no good to panic. She unbuckled just in case. 

A flight attendant came down the isle, and she leaned over to tell Maddie to buckle up. "Mam, you need to buckle up." She said calmly, then clutched the seat as another bump jolted the plane. Another scream pierced the air, it was a male this time.  Maddie bit her lip, it had to be HYDRA. 

The flight attendant scurried down the isle towards the scream, wanting to calm the passenger down before he started widespread panic. Maddie scrambled to her feet as she heard a hoarse cry of pain. She whirled to see the flight attendant collapses, blood spilling from a stab wound in her chest. The HYDRA agent held the dripping knife, he stepped over the woman's body. 

"Nobody move!" He yelled, and Maddie's stomach twisted as she heard the same words being echoed by other men up and down the plane isles. The man brandished his gun in the air as a deathly silence fell over the passengers.

Maddie slipped out her ninja stars, and she got a wide eyed look from the man next to her. The HYDRA agent didn't know what hit him, and he fell, gun slipping from numb fingers, the silver star embedded in his forehead. Maddie sprinted up the isle, backpack on her shoulders. She scooped up the man's gun, pulling up her hoodie. She fired at a man farther down the isle, and the gunshot echoed in the confined area. 

Maddie sprinted down the isle gun in hand as shouts of anger and terrified screams rang out. She pounded up the isle, ripped a parachute out of it's slot and buckled it on, dropping behind a small wall that separated the classes, as a hail of bullets came her way. Maddie jerked the emergency release on the door and jumped out, not hesitating for a second. 

The wind whipped her exposed skin mercilessly, and her hoodie slid off as she fell. It was hard for her to breath, and she struggled to stay conscious as she fell. Dark spots danced in her vision, but she somehow managed to overpower her mind. She twisted to see HYDRA soldiers bailing off after her. The assassin didn't hesitate, she fired at them as the jumped, one by one. And then she was pulling the releases strap as the bodies fell past her.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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