Debriefing: Steve Rogers aka Captain America

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Time: 14:32

Location: Helicarier

Coulson: Are you telling me that Agent Treaty managed to sneak a group of HYDRA Agent's into the Avenger's Tower, which is the Avenger's home base, Agent Rogers?

Rogers: Yes sir.

Coulson: So, how do you think he managed that, Agent?

Rogers: We let our guard down, sir.

Coulson: Why, Agent Rogers?

Rogers: We became lax in our defenses sir. We thought that they were trustworthy, sir.

Coulson: And did it ever stop to cross your mind that either of them could have betrayed you?

Rogers: Yes sir. I thought it was going to be Maddie.

Coulson: Looks are deceiving. 

Rogers: I learned that sir.

Coulson: So, after they subdued you and your team, what happened? 

Rogers: He forgot Maddie sir. She came in and started shooting.

Coulson: I hear she saved Directer Furry's life.

Rogers: Yes sir, she shot the gun from Sam's hand, then managed to kill two more HYDRA operatives before ducking into the kitchen for cover. Then she threw in a flash bang to stun everyone. She killed the rest of the operatives, sir.

Coulson: What about her boyfriend.

Rogers: She killed him, sir.

Coulson: I heard she's in the Medbay.

Rogers: Yes sir. 

Coulson: This debriefing is over, Agent Rogers.

Rogers: Yes sir. 

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