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Maddie woke slowly and unwillingly, a fierce pain on her face and stomach. It was the burning pain of cuts, just starting to heal. She opened her eyes and starred at the ceiling blankly, trying to feel the rest of her body. She felt some swelling bruises on her legs and back, and the cut on her stomach. The pain on her face though! The white bandages annoyed her. They were just within her line of sight, so when she looked down, she caught a faint white blur on the edge of her vision. The I.V. in her arm annoyed her too, so did the steady beeping of the heart monitor.

Maddie sat up, and for a moment, black spots danced in her vision. It cleared quickly and she saw she was sitting in the middle of the room on a hospital bed. On her right was the wall, on her left was the heart monitor and various other machines. The doorway was on at the opposite end of the room. It was conveniently open. 

Maddie took the I.V. out of her arm. She knew how to insert and take out these things after a medical lesson from one of the nurses. Maddie felt empty inside, like something had been taken from her. Well, she had killed her boyfriend. Everything had changed now. She needed to leave.

Maybe the desire was because she needed room. Or maybe it was because a sudden anger had risen inside her. Working for HYDRA had gotten her brainwashed, tortured and on everyone's hit list. Working for S.H.I.E.L.D. had gotten her here, in a hospital bed with scars from her Ex, and nothing to show for it. 

Maddie got up, a plan already forming in her mind. She went to the door, peeking around the corner. No one was in sight. She moved quickly, sprinting down the hallway and taking the steps to avoid anyone. She didn't want to be stopped. Maddie flinched as she passed Sam's room.

Maddie burst into her room, reaching under her bed to grab a backpack. She slung it over her shoulder, then went to her closet to change. She grabbed dark clothes and changed quickly. pulling her hoodie over her face. She reached into her bag and pulled out her special boots, gloves, and mask. The mask was in a diamond shape that covered her mouth. It also covered her bandages. She slipped on her boots and pulled on her gloves. 

Maddie opened her window, not wanting to think about the last time she had done this. She shot her grapple gun at the opposite roof and jumped out into thin air. She swung out along the skyline, her bag on her back, and a plan in mind. Maddie was going to disappear. She was going to disappear so completely, that no one would find her again. Maddie had no idea just how right, and just how wrong she would be.

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Where stories live. Discover now