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Maddie slipped into her first safe house. After years of staying alive, her motto was always prepare for the worst. So, she had set up a chain of safe houses that would take her far away from here. She hadn't thought she would use it to escape the Avenger's.

Maddie drew her gun's as she slipped in through the window. It would do no good be caught unawares by some homeless person that had wandered in here. The assassin silently closed the window.

Maddie was in a bed room. It had a bunk bed against the wall to her right. A closet was a few feet from the foot of her bed. It was closed, giving Maddie no indication that anyone was in here. But it never payed off to become lax in you defenses. on her left was a desk with a black swivel chair. Her papers had been undisturbed.

Maddie ghosted across the bedroom floor to the doorway. She peeked out, guns at the ready. She got a fleeting glimpse of a hallway that stretched to her left. There were two doors, on on the left, and one on the right. Both were closed. After checking both of them, one was a bathroom, another was a laundry room, she continued down the hallway.

The assassin stealthy eased out into the hallway, scanning for bugs and such. She found none, and continued down the staircase. It led to a living room. There was a couch facing the stairs and the dark T.V. Behind the couch was the entrance to the kitchen. 

Maddie got a glimpse of the neat, pristine counters and sink. She slipped into the kitchen after checking the living room for any bugs. The kitchen had a dishwasher to her left and a stove to her right. Maddie knew the house was clear, and with a sigh of relief, she went back up to her room and put her pack under the floor boards. 

Maddie changed out of her black clothes into a black leather jacket, brown shirt and a pair of blue jeans. She kept her weapon's, gloves and boots on her. The assassin pulled off her mouth mask, wincing in pain. She was going to have to re-bandage the wounds. Hopefully, her stitches hadn't come out.

Maddie grabbed her swivel chair and wheeled it into the bathroom, in front of the mirror. She reached up into a cabinet and grabbed a first aid kit, opening it and leaving it on the bathroom counter. She placed her mask next to it after sitting down. 

The teen reached up and gingerly pulled off the bandages. Maddie took a deep breath as she saw the wounds. The skin looked red and sore, a little bit of blood leaked from her left cheek. The stitches went all the way to where her bottom jaw met her skull. It was nasty to see, and Maddie knew that this was going to leave scars

Her stitches seemed to be ok, so she slipped her mask over her face. It was designed to not touch her mouth and cheeks, so it worked perfectly to keep her healing wounds covered. After throwing the bandages, Maddie went down the kitchen. There definitely was an eating problem involved with her stitches. She would reopen them if she ate solid food. 

That left the teen with only one option. Eat everything ground up. She made eggs and bacon, then ground them up and poured the mixture in a cup. As she put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher in the dishwasher she grabbed a spoon and sat down at the counter. 

Maddie carefully brought a spoonful to her mouth, wincing as she carefully inserted the spoon in her mouth. The only problem was that Maddie couldn't use a straw. it definitely break her stitches, so she had to use a spoon, and the small degree she had to open her mouth, hurt.  Her stitches tugged at the sensitive skin on her cheeks as she pulled the spoon out of her mouth.

Maddie managed to eat the rest of the mixture, finding that the bacon added a pleasingly salty and meaty taste to the eggs. She checked her stitches after she ate and was relived to find that they were undisturbed. The last thing she needed was to restitch her own mouth. 

Her tongue was healed enough to eat without opening the wound up again after her encounter with Sam. It was going to scar though. Maddie could only hope it wouldn't impair her speech. He had already done enough damage. The girl knew she wouldn't ever be able to walk out in public again, at least not without some sort of facial covering. Her face would be too recognizable. But that was fine to the assassin. She worked mostly at night anyways.          

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora