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After sleeping at the safe house, the girl moved on. She wanted to get as far away from everyone as possible. She didn't want to go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. much less HYDRA. She wanted to disappear. But Maddie knew better then to retire. It wasn't safe for anyone of her stature of background.She would always be stuck in this life of killing. That was one fact Maddie was well aware of. Someone like her couldn't just retire. 

So, the next morning after another ground up breakfast, Maddie hit the road. By Ten O Clock she had left New York behind her. She had to reach her next safe house by tonight. It was in Massachusetts. The girl stepped off the train, hoodie already up. Maddie didn't need anyone to see her face mask. She would get questions if anyone saw her healing wounds, too.

The crowed dispersed in the huge train station and Maddie made her way out. She had a habit of scanning crowds, it was a survival tactic and it helped her spot danger heading her way. Maddie made it safely to her safe house and she checked it, running off an idiot who tried to camp out. 

Maddie had come upon him sleeping on her couch. He had obviously just broken in because nothing in her room had been tampered with. The kitchen had been used though, and that pissed Maddie off. 

The man was knocked out on her couch. He wore a ratty red shirt and ripped, dirty jeans. Maddie kicked him awake. The man fell of the couch in shock. His blue eyes went wide as he took in the appearance of the girl that stood in front of him. Her guns and face mask didn't help convince him that she was just a homeless teen.  

He had blue eyes, just like Sam A deep rage seemed to come from nowhere and it hit Maddie like a truck. It took everything she had to keep from killing the man on the spot. She took a deep breath.

"Leave. If I ever find you here again, i'll kill you." Her voice was coldly calm. It made the homeless man realize that this was no normal girl that had so rudely kicked him awake. He got to his feet, whimpering apologizes. Maddie saw the man throw himself out the door.

"Shut the door after you!" She snapped harshly, voice ringing in the  air. The door was shut a few seconds later and Maddie heard the man running away from the house, feet pounding into the pavement. 

The girl took a few moments to calm down before she did a a second search through the house for bugs. She didn't want to take the risk that the man had been a HYDRA soldier and had been sent to bug the house. 

After she was content that the house was safe, she grudgingly cleaned her wounds. They were looking better then yesterday and she ate another ground up meal, making sure not to pop her stitches. It hurt to eat though, and Maddie's hatred grew with every twinge of pain that came from moving her mouth. She was going to stay very far away from S.H.I.E.L.D. or HYDRA, and she'd kill to do it. 

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Where stories live. Discover now