Chapter 3

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You crouched next to floor, gently whipping away the dust. You knew better then to go against your instincts. They had kept you alive this far. Besides, what was an instinct? Some said it was something on the edge of your senses, that you couldn't pinpoint, but you knew it was something. You preferred to go with that explanation as you found a plate, that when stepped on, would no doubt trigger some nasty surprise.

You made you're way down the hallway and put you're hand on the door handle. You jiggled it slightly. The door was locked. Sighing, you took a step back. You charged at the door, kicking it down. There was a bang as the door went flying and crashed into the wall. Dust rose and you hacked as it got into your lungs. You whipped your mouth free of the dirt.

The room you had entered was small. It had been an office at some point. There was a metal desk that was coated in rust and looked like it would fall apart at the touch. At it's finest, it would have been an imposing desk to stand in front of, but now, it looked frail and ready to disintegrate. 

Behind the desk was the skeleton of a swivel chair. only the backbone of the chair was left of the once comfortable object. Upon closer inspection, the wheel's were eroded and the mattress stuffing had decayed over time, torn up by rats and other small rodent. 

Against one wall, was a single filing cabinet. It was so rusted that holes had begun to grow in the metal container. You walked over to the file cabinet, hoping that the second part to the file was in there, and that it hadn't been destroyed. 

You opened the filing cabinet slowly, starting in the middle. It came open with a creak, and you were forced to pull the entire thing out because it got stuck halfway shut. You pulled out each file, one by one. they where of no interest to you. Everything was severely outdated, the information, battle plans, maps, scientific research, everything.

You went through two more filing drawers before you found it. You smiled, elation running through your veins. This was it! after almost a year of searching, you had found it. The missing part to Maddie's file. You gently picked it up, deciding to open it when you got out of here. You turned and started to retrace your steps, deciding it was time to get out of this creepy place.         

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Where stories live. Discover now