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Maddie unbuckled after the plane took off. She was in seat B2, second class. So that meant she was between two men, but at least she had quick escape routes. Maddie knew better then to zone out, it could cost her life. She sat perfectly, watching the T.V. screen that showed the plane, where it was on their flight, their speed, the time at their destination and at back at their take off point, and estimated arrival time. It flicked from screen to screen. Both of the men on either side of her where watching movies on their own personal screens. 

Maddie stayed aware of her surroundings, even though the roar of the plane created a blanket, you could still pick up sounds in the plane itself. Her eyes scanned the passengers, trying to sense danger. She didn't want to have a run in with HYDRA on a plane filled with civilians. 

Maddie knew the two men were giving her strange looks. After all, she was seventeen, and the face mask she was wearing didn't look to right on a girl's face. Also, she had an aura to her that unsettled most people, making them feel on edge. No doubt they were silently wondering about her. But she didn't concern herself with the thoughts of others. It could get you killed. 

She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. The bright screens were messing with her vision, besides, she could rely on her other sense. Airplane's had always made her tense. There where so many people packed in an object that was hurtling around 657 miles an hour. If an escape was needed, Maddie would have to steal one of the parachutes on board. But the good thing was that all the planes were modeled the same, so they where in the same place. 

At the same time, if trouble started, people would more then likely die. HYDRA didn't care who got in their way, and they would kill everyone on the plane if it meant getting Maddie back. She shivered slightly at the thought. If that happened, she was majorly screwed. It would be worse then the cafe incident because it would be hard for her to escape and hide if she landed in the ocean. 

Her paranoia almost got the best of her, and she had to steady herself with a few deep breaths. It would do no good to flip out on a plane. Her hand went to one of her hidden weapons. It was a fold out knife disguised to look like a bookmark. Her fingers lightly traced the cool metal. It was currently in a false book, that was actually hollowed out and held poison tipped darts. They were brutally effective for close quarters.

She looked up at the screen. They were somewhere over a forest. If Maddie had to make a quick escape, it would be tricky to land. Stop freaking yourself out! She ordered herself fiercely. She took a few more deep breaths and ran a hand through her hair, then pulled her hoodie up again. She decided to close her eyes and try a breathing technique Natasha had taught her. Surprisingly, it worked and Maddie's nerves weren't so on end. She smiled softly at the memory of the red haired Russian. They had grown close, and it had been fun to prank the other Avengers with Bucky and Clint. Then, the jet hit a spot of turbulence, and the screaming started. 

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Where stories live. Discover now