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Maddie walked quickly away from the small cafe. Right now, she needed to change out of her bloodstained clothes. She was attracting too much attention. Attention she didn't need right now. Not with the police investigation the scene of the bloody mess back at the cafe. Maddie stuck out like a sore thumb, and she was the perpetrator. This was not good. 

She doubled back onto back roads and alleyways, knowing that it would be harder to see her if anyone was really looking for her. The familiar scent of blood irritated her. It just reminded the girl that she had killed a dozen men in front of a crowd of witnesses.

For one, it went against everything she had been taught. Never draw attention to yourself. It was an assassin's creed. If you wanted to live to see tomorrow, you never publicized you actions. And Maddie had done just that. She knew that within hours she was going to have S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA swarming the country, looking for her. 

The second mistake had been to be stuck in that situation, but Maddie knew it had been unavoidable. Still, she had practicly sent a flare into the sky saying, Maddie is here. If she had wanted to avoid attention, she was failing miserably. 

The assassin stormed into her safe house, stripping her clothes off and cramming them in her bag. She would have to wash them later, right now she had to get out of here. She quickly reloaded her gun and grabbed ammunition, shoving it in her special bag that made weapons and such look like everyday objects if it was sent through security.

  Maddie quickly changed into black clothing, slipping her mask, gloves and boots on as she quickly made her way to the kitchen. She ripped open the cabinet, loading her bag with food. She had no idea how long she would be keeping a very low profile. 

Maddie flicked off the lights and slipped outside, bag across her back. She kept her head down as she navigated the streets. To say it was calm was a lie. Loud voices spoke in panicked tones as police car after police car rushed past, sirens wailing. Maddie was already running down a back alley, determined to get out of here before S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA came. 

Maddie was already planning as she ran. Up ahead, she caught sight of a motorcycle. A man in a leather jacket was revving it up. Maddie shrugged. That would work. She cut across the lawn of a house. The man glanced up as she reached him. He had black hair and blue eyes. Confusion flashed in his eyes, then Maddie had ripped him off the bike and he was left sitting in the dirt, stunned, staring after his bike, and the crazy chick that road off like a maniac, with his bike. 

Maddie heard the yell behind her, but she ignored the guy and swerved around a car. She caught sight of the pissed off old granny in the drivers seat, who flipped her off. The assassin sped down the road, pushing the bike to it's maximum speed. She kept at her breakneck speed until she turned off onto a highway, merging with the traffic. It would do no good to draw attention to herself now.

Now there was nothing to do but hope she made it out of the country before S.H.I.E.L.D. caught on to her location, and sent out a team after her. She had gone OWL on them, and when someone did that and they where with a government agency, it never ended well if they were caught. Maddie didn't plan on being caught by either of her former agency's. She was done being a pawn in their games.

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن