Chapter 2

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You decided to keep going. There was no point letting your fear get the best of you. It was just paranoia after all. You swung your flashlight across the dark hallway, trying to see you're footing. It was dark in here, and you're flashlight beam was weak.

You stepped carefully down the hallway. This had been easy. You thought as you neared the door. The dust made you cough as you took another step, and you whipped your mouth. You spat as the dust clogged your lungs.

 You put you're foot down on the last tile, and there was an ominous, click. You're last thought was, crap! 

                                       YOU DIED!

GO back and try again, at least this wasn't real life.

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Where stories live. Discover now