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  Maddie kept her head down as she made her way through the airport. Her bag was slung across her back and he plane tickets, fake passport, and I.D.  were in her hand. She wore a black hoodie and a pair of jeans. It irked her that she couldn't have a knife strapped to her waist, but her hidden weapons worked. They were hard to smuggle through security though. 

Maddie knew she was already attracting to much attention with her mask, but she knew her scars would attract more, so she kept her head down and luckily, not to many people noticed. Well, one girl did. She wore a lose fitting blue sweater that had a black frame of a woman vaulting over the word, Parkour. The girl had brown hair and dark eyes. She had a black travel backpack with red seams slung across her back. She looked to be around fifteen and on the skinny side, but she looked fitter then most kids her age. 

She stood by people Maddie could only assume where her family. The woman had dark brown hair that was almost black. The man had black hair, cut short. The boy had brown hair that was flicked to the side. It almost reached his eyes. Maddie noticed the way the girl stood and a few things clicked in her head about the girl. She looked up, and their eyes met for a brief moment. 

The girl didn't seem scared or put off like most people. Maddie realized the girl had an emotionless look to her, and she seemed to always be on guard. More then likely abused or bullied. Or both. But it was odd that the girl didn't shy away, instead she looked at Maddie with respect in her eyes, as if she knew who the assassin was. She saw the girls posture straiten and her hand twitch on the strap of her bag. Maddie kept going, looking away abruptly. 

Out of the corner of her eye, Maddie saw the girl smile like she had a huge secret. Maddie wondered why on earth the girl was smiling after seeing her. It was as if just seeing Maddie, had made everything alright in her world or something. Unsettled, she kept walking and made it through security.

Once through, she went to a bathroom and slipped her weapons back on. Maddie was suicidal if she thought she was going to be safe on a plane. HYDRA loved to hijack planes. She wasn't going to run the risk. She had survived this long because she had minimized every risk. 

Maddie waited in the bathroom until her boarding was called. She quickly slipped out and hurried to show her passport and boarding ticket. She passed the gate and went down the small hallway. The cool air blew through the cracks in the makeshift ramp/hallway. The bright white of the metal walls burned her eyes and brought back memories of HYDRA. It brought back memories of the room. Maddie shook her head. It would do no good to be caught off guard. She found her seat and buckled up, then waited for everyone else to get on.

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Where stories live. Discover now