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Maddie sat in the back of a small cafe, sipping on her much needed coffee. It was a caramel frappe, loaded with sugar and caffeine. The girl needed it after the plane ride overseas. Being stuck on a plane ride for ten hours was draining, especially if you didn't get any sleep. And sleep, for someone like Maddie, with all those people packed into an airplane, was not an option for the girl. Now she had to go without sleep for twenty four hours and fight off jet lag.

 (For those of you who don't know what jet lag is, it's where you get nauseated after a plane flight and you're also tired, and just drained. You pretty much feel like a zombie from culture shock, so much input and from the change in altitude. It sucks because you hardly remember your first day if it's your first time having jet lag, and you can not process stuff, at all.)

Well, Maddie had gone without sleep for longer then 24 hours, and she got over jet lag quickly because of her traveling experience. Still, she needed the caffeine. She was seated on the corner, keeping an eye on everything. It would do no good to be caught unawares. Her paranoia had truth behind it. She was still alive from it. 

She sipped on her drink, hoodie pulled down. She didn't need anyone to see the half healed wounds on her face. Now, it hurt less to drink things, and her cheeks were almost healed all the way together. She was almost wishing for someone to come in here and start a fight. She was in a bad mood and wanted to smash something up, like someones face. 

Her drink was almost all the way gone when her instincts told her that trouble was afoot. Six men stepped into the cafe, they wore all black, a they all had guns. Maddie caught sight of the logo. HYDRA. She quickly pulled her mask on, drawing her gun and holding under the table, near her leg so it would be out of sight as they scanned the room.

A panicked scream rang through the air and the cashier was shot where she stood. The woman's body fell, her blood covering the counter and floor. Everyone froze where they stood or sat. A lady that sat next to Maddie's booth flinched as she saw the men walking towards her. Then she realized that they were heading towards the girl sitting next to her. Heads turned as everyone realized the group of guys where here for a teenager.

"You're coming with us." one of the HYDRA agent's said, and the group of men raised their gun's, leveling them at her. Maddie smirked. She had been wishing for this. She acted quickly, kicking the table up, into them. As she kicked, she lunged to her feet shooting. She shot four men before they regained their composure. 

Maddie rolled as shot's went off. She sprang to her feet like a cat, flipping over the first guy, grabbing his gun and choking him with it. She moved him in the path of the bullets that came her way, then dropped his body. As she dropped him, she lashed out, kicking the gun form the man's hand as he tried to reload. She punched him in the throat and watched him fall, hands scrabbling at his neck. His face turned blue and Maddie coolly shot him as he crumpled to his knees.

There was a stunned silence, and Maddie scanned the area, looking for any more danger. Something told her that they had just been the beginning. There where others and her hunch had been right as men flooded into the room. 

Maddie got of six shots before she dropped, pulling the woman that had been sitting next to her, down. How had the woman not been hit? The counter served as protection. The woman stared at Maddie, more specifically the lower half of the girl's face.  

"Stay down." Maddie ordered, then drew her other gun. She shot the first man that was stupid enough to try lean over the counter. Using his body as a shield, she got to her feet, firing. She dropped four men, then leaped up on the counter and jumping off it. She came down, legs curled around his neck. Maddie twisted, and the man fell, dead.

She came to her feet, grabbing her knives. She lunged for the next man, slitting his throat. The blood got all over her and she growled in annoyance as she turned and kicked another man in the temple. He fell, gun clattering to the floor. Maddie flipped backwards over a man, slitting his throat. She whirled to block a blade coming in her direction. She kicked the mans leg, and he screamed as the snap of bone breaking was heard. His bone stuck from his leg, and blood had started to pool. Maddie shot him and brought her gun up, holding thee last man at gun point.

"I'm sending a message to HYDRA." Her voice rang in the silent room and held the attention of everyone. 

"They want their soldier back? Well guess what, she doesn't want to go back." She growled, and pulled the trigger. The gun bucked in her hand, and the noise seemed to echo in the room. The man collapsed to the floor, blood running from his forehead. 

Maddie realized her hoodie had fallen off, exposing her horrific face. She pulled it up, turning on her heel. She grabbed her frappe and walked from the cafe as chaos erupted behind her. The stunned shock of the brutal violence and killing and finally hit them.

Maddie knew she had to leave. She had to go elsewhere. She couldn't stay here any long, not after that incident. She had to leave before she was captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. or HYDRA. At least the teen felt calmer then she had in a long time. Violence was something she understood.

Book Two, Thirteen Reasons To Forget You (Chose Your Own Adventure.)Where stories live. Discover now