Chapter Three

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In the months leading up to the concert, I would tweet to the boys regularly, telling them how excited I was to get to see them. They didn't have any VIP tickets for their shows since the last time they had one, Suga had a panic attack so that's understandable. I had ordered some BTS merch online and luckily it had gotten here early so I was able to make sure it was washed and clean before we left for Paris.

Brent and I left a week before the concert to spend some time in Paris and maybe find us a beau to spend the week with. Brent's sister agreed to watch Adrian after going through classes to work with him. I was so thankful for Brent and her family.

The hotel we were staying in was absolutely beautiful. We paid for a suite that had two bedrooms and two bathrooms. There was also a full living room with a glass wall and a kitchen, and access to the pools and workout room.

Paris was beautiful and everyone here was so nice and kind. Brent and I spent the first few days getting over out jetlag and sleeping a lot. We ordered a lot of takeouts and watched a lot of movies as we caught up on the time difference.

The third day was the most interesting in my opinion. While Brent was getting us some tea inside a little bakery, I sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather. I noticed there was a group of guys sitting a bit away and I thought I had heard Namjoon speaking but before I could look over, Brent came back out.

I didn't think much of the group of guys a few tables away as Brent and I planned where we would go next. We decided to go to the Eiffel Tower and pay to go all the way to the top. When we got there, the crowd was massive and loud.

"What do you think is going on?" I asked and Brent went to speak but the crowd screamed as BTS walked out of their tour bus. They were all smiling and waving at the crowd and I had to hold my breath as I seen Taehyung.

They got up on a little podium and got the crowd to quiet down. "Good morning," Namjoom started. "We have selected two tickets from a recent purchase to go into the Eiffel Tower and they will be going in with us.

The crowd screamed again and Jungkook was handed a piece of paper. He read off the numbers once everyone was quiet again but no one spoke up. "What number are our tickets?" Brent asked and I looked down, my eyes going wide.

"That's us.." I breathed out and Brent let out a noise I didn't know was possible before dragging us up through the crowd. My heart was racing as we got closer. I was hoping my outfit was okay. It was a maroon crop top and a pair of black ripped jeans, but I was scared they would think I was too big to wear them.

We got up to the front and the boys smiled at us as their manager checked our tickets. I was so nervous to even be this close to them, and there was a good distance still between us. "Looks good. You guys take your time in there." Their manager said.

Security pushed the crowd back as the boys got off the podium. Yoongi smiled at me and walked next to me. "You're nervous? Do not be." He said and brushed his hand against mine. I felt like I was about to pass out at that second.

I just gave him a soft smile. Soon we were getting on the lift to get to the top but there was only room for four at a time. Brent went on the first one with Jin, Jungkook, and Yooni after I had to push her on.

The next group was Namjoon, Jung Ho-seok, and Jimin. Taehyung said he was going to stay and ride with me so I didn't have to go by myself. There were so many things running through my mind as we waited for the lift to come back down.

"You look... be... beaut.." Teahyung struggled a bit and I smiled. "Beautiful?" I asked and he nodded with a small smile. I felt a blush on my cheeks as I looked down. "Thank you, Tae." I whispered and cleared my throat a bit.

He gave me his rectangle smile and I felt butterflies in my stomach as we stepped onto the lift. I never liked being on these kinds of things. I leaned against the wall and just tried to focus on my breathing. But of course, Taehyung noticed something was wrong.

"Chingu.. are you okay?" He asked and put his fingers under my chin so I would look up at him. I took in a sharp breath and closed my eyes. It was too overwhelming to look at him at the moment. He didn't stop though; he wrapped his arms around me tightly and held me close to him.

He smelled of peppermint and lavender, reminding me of the night I imaged him doing very sexual things to me. I bit down on my lip and let out a short breath before wrapping my arms around him. If I couldn't even ride in a lift, how would I last through the concert, with my anxiety?

Once we got off the lift, the view was breathtaking. It was just Tae and me since the platform wasn't big enough to hold all of us. I leaned over the railing a bit and looked down at all the people. They all just looked like a blob from being so high up. I felt Taehyung put his arm around me and I felt safe. He made me feel safe.

In a world where I felt I was being crushed my every little thing that was bothering me, Taehyung is what I need. And I know that he's probably not going to fall for a girl like me, but I just need him in my life. It wouldn't happen though and I need to lower my standards but I couldn't help but imagine what life would be like with Tae.

Soon, we walked down the steps to leave the Tower. Taehyung stopped me and pointed to a small structure within the tower. "Architects... They are of a mysterious mind." He said with a smile. He was pointing to a small heart that was built on a few other things.

I smiled softly and I could actually feel myself falling for this boy more and more. It wasn't love, but there was something about this boy that made me feel at home.

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