Chapter Ten

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Brent and I got home just in time to watch Spider-man with my brother. He hadn't left my side since I walked in the door and I wasn't really complaining about it. I had missed my brother a lot while we were gone. 

Halfway through the movie, I looked down and seen he was asleep on my shoulder. I pulled the blanket over us and kissed his forehead. "So you really love Taehyung, don't you?" Brent asked softly.

I looked over at her and nodded a bit. " I do, a lot." I smiled and let out a soft hum. She smiled and looked down at her lap. "I think... do you think Jimin and Jin would be open to a poly relationship?" She asked and my eyes widened a bit. 

"I mean, you can ask them. You guys are gonna keep in touch right?" She shrugged a bit and sighed. "I have no clue. I gave them both my number but neither of them have texted me yet. I don't think they like me a lot." She mumbled.

 I shook my head. "Are you crazy? The way both of them looked at you, they both want you. Just talk to them about having a poly relationship. Maybe they'll be open to it." I hummed softly and she nodded a bit.

I moved Adrian to his room and tucked him in, pressing a kiss to his forehead. I went to the kitchen and looked through the fridge. I decided to make an ice cream sundae for me and Brent. For some reason, I had been hungry all the time. I was gaining a bit of weight as well, despite having been working out constantly.

I made the dessert in a large bowl and poured chocolate sauce all over it as well as whipped cream, taking it into the living room with two spoons. "Brent, we need to talk." I sighed softly and sat down. I took a bite of the ice cream after setting it between us on the couch. "About what?" She asked softly, worry in her voice.

"I think I might be pregnant but I don't want to tell Tae cause I'm scared. Like, what if he rejects me cause he doesn't want to have a kid? What if he leaves me cause he isn't ready for this kind of life?" I asked and stuffed my face full of more ice cream. I was really worried about losing Tae but if I was pregnant then he needed to know. 

Brent took a moment to think before she spoke. "Well, if you are, and he doesn't want anything to do with you, then is he really the man you want to have in your life?" She asked before taking a bite of the dessert. "If he loves you, then he's gonna love you and care about you no matter what happens. He's going to be there for you through anything you two may be going through and he's going to support you. And vice versa."

I had never really thought of that. I knew I loved him. I wanted to be with him forever and I wanted to do everything I could for him to make him as happy as he makes me. But I was still scared he was going to reject me.

I had never been one to handle my emotions very well. I usually just ate my feelings when I got emotional, which is why I gained weight a lot of the time. I didn't know if I was ready to be a mom yet or not. Hell, I wasn't even sure if I was really pregnant or not and I was already planning life as a single mother.

I didn't think that Tae was going to reject me, but a lot had happened that I didn't think would happen to begin with. So really, anything was possible. I just had to hope for the best and go with the flow of things before I blew things out of proportion. 


It had been a week since we got home and I was beyond bored. Brent had went to work, Adrian was at his classes and Tae was recording. I had nothing to do and I was dreading going to see a doctor to see if I was really pregnant or not. I didn't really know what I wanted to be honest.

If I was pregnant, then I would obviously take care of the baby. But Adrian doesn't really do well around babies and I don't know how Tae would react. And if I wasn't, then I think I would honestly be a mix of happy and sad. Happy because I don't have to worry about inconveniencing Adrian and Taehyung. Sad because it would be amazing to be able to raise a child.

I called a doctor and set up an appointment for later that day to get an ultrasound done. She sounded really nice and after I told her about my worries, she said we could talk more about it when I got there. So I got ready to leave and got there a little early.

I felt sick to my stomach as I sat in the waiting room. The other women around me all looked super pregnant and ready to pop. I put a hand on my stomach and bit my lip lightly. One of the women next to me put her hand over mine and smiled softly.

"It's okay to be nervous. It's normal. But having a child is a wonderful thing to experience in your life." She said softly before her name was called and she waddled back. I said a soft thank you because her words honestly did comfort me in a way.

I looked down at my stomach and let out a soft hum. Tae had spoken once about wanting to be a father, and that was lead to by him admitting to a pregnancy kink he had. I wasn't really crept out by the fact that he got turned on by pregnant women as long as he knew he was mine.

I hated hos possessive I was, bu the was just as bad. He was super protective as well, but that was just cute. The way he would pull me closer when we went out, wrapping his arm around my waist. Or how he would pin me to the bed and mark up my neck and chest so everyone knew I was his.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, smiling widely to myself, I almost didn't hear my name being called. As I walked back, that uneasy feeling returned to my stomach and I suddenly felt nauseous. I could do this. I was fine.

short chapter left on a cliffhanger but it'll be continued from that point in the next chapter. I'm trying to get some filler chapters until chapter 14, which will have a huge surprise in it, and chapter 15 will have a massive time skip in it but will be the last chapter of this book.

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