Chapter Fourteen

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Since it was the last few shows for a while, I went to the concerts and stayed backstage. I was seven months pregnant now and showing well. Tae loved to kiss and rub my belly and he cried when the baby first kicked. 

We have had sex but kept it to a minimum and very gently. Neither of us wanted to hurt the baby in any way. We had moved into an apartment and had a baby room set up. Sadly we couldn't paint the walls like we wanted to but this was better than the little apartment I had. 

Adrian had moved out after he found a girlfriend that was able to help him when he needed it. I was happy for him, and we even had one day a week when we met to have lunch. He loved to feel the baby kicking.

Tae and I had decided to wait to find out the gender of the baby but we knew we would love the baby either way. We had themed the room with Winnie the Pooh as that was pretty gender neutral for a baby. 

We weren't one hundred percent ready but we were as ready as we could be to have a baby. We were ready to love and care for the baby under any circumstance. We even had the boys there to help us, I think Jungkook was the most excited. 

We were having lunch with the boys at an Italian place since that's what I was craving. They were always good making sure I was okay and that I was happy. It was a roller coaster of emotions but I was always happy with them. 

Jungkook sat next to me and I smiled softly. "Are you gonna give the baby a Korean name or an American one?" He asked softly and I looked at Tae. "We have left that to the gender. If it's a girl, she'll have an American style name. But if it's a boy then it will be Korean style."

He smiled softly and nodded, going back to sit next to Namjoon. Everything was going wonderfully. I had the love of my life next to me, I was carrying our child, and he had a massive support system. 

Yes, some of the fans were hateful towards me, but I know that they mean well for Taehyung. I just have to take it with a grain of salt and remind myself that they just want Tae to be happy and healthy.

I had just finished my salad when I felt something run down my leg. I looked down at my dress and my eyes widened. "Tae, my water just broke." I said and looked at him. His eyes widened as he swallowed. 

"Y-you're in labor?" He asked. I didn't have time to explain it so I just nodded and stood up. Jimin was right next to my side, his arm around my waist. I gave him a soft smile and let out a groan as he helped me to the door. 

I had taken Jimin with me to all of my appointments and classes since Tae had been taking his own. I was happy to have Jimin in my life, especially with him being so helpful during the pregnancy. 

Once we were at the hospital, it seemed like it took forever. I was doing my breathings but it got hard once the contractions hit harder. Jimin and Tae were with me though and the others in the waiting room since they weren't allowed in. 

Jimin started to braid my hair while Tae rubbed my arm. The pains were starting to get stronger and I eventually couldn't take it anymore so I sent Taehyung to go get a doctor. I hadn't told him that there was a chance of complications during birth.

He came back a little later with a doctor and he and Jimin put on the gowns at the doctor's request. The doctor got everything ready and soon, I was told to push. I let out a cry of pain and squeezed Tae's hand as hard as I could. 

I could hear the baby's cry after a few pushes and I felt relaxed when the baby was finally born. The nurse handed the baby to me after Tae cut the umbilical cord. I smiled sleepily and held the baby carefully, kissing her head. 

I looked over at Tae with tears in my eyes. "I-it's a girl." I said happily and rubbed her back. He grinned and kissed her head lightly. "What name did we decide on?" He asked softly as the nurse cleaned the baby off. 

"Layla Marie Kim." I hummed softly and rubbed her cheek lightly. She had his eyes and skin tone, having my small nose and darker hair. She was so beautiful. And she was ours. 


"Taehyung! Get Layla!" I yelled from the kitchen as I made us dinner. She was in her crib crying but I was too busy to go and get her. I heard him talking to her through the baby monitor and I smiled softly. 

She was four months old now and was already smarter than ever. She knew how to sit up and grasp items and was working on learning how to walk. She had been getting a bit chunky but was still a healthy weight for her age. 

Tae walked down with her and she was grinning as they walked into the kitchen. I smiled and wiped my hands on a towel. She babbled a bit, making the same sound over and over but it was the cutest thing ever. 

I was finally happy. I had a child, the love of my life with standing next to me and I didn't feel the need to worry about much anymore. Soon, I would be married and Tae would be traveling the world again, but Layla and I with him. I had a family now. 

short, I know and I apologize for it being up hella late as well. I've been so overwhelmed with school and everything. The next chapter will be the wedding then the epilogue will be a few years later but that will have a twist at the end so don't shoot me.

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