Chapter Twelve

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I couldn't believe it had been two months since I left Taehyung at the airport. Of course, we called every day, but it just wasn't the same as being able to see each other. So when he said they were coming in a day early, I was more than excited. 

I got dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of leggings, pulling my hair into a messy bun. I drove to the airport and bit my lip.There was already a large crowd outside the airport. Letting out a breath, I got out and walked closer to the crowd. 

Some of the fans let me through, but others kept pushing me back more and more. Eventually, I got through and into the airport. I had made a sign for Tae that had the picture of the sonogram on it. 

As I waited, I could hear my name from some of the fans and I tried to listen closer. They were talking shit about me being overweight. I clenched my jaw to keep my mouth shut, but their words were starting to sting. 

"She's too fat for Taehyung. She would crush him as they slept." One girl said and I turned to her, holding the sign close. "For your information, I'm not that fat. Just because I'm not skin and bones like you doesn't make me any different. At least I have boobs and an ass for him to grab as he fucks me."

The girl rose her eyebrow and smirked. "I bet he can't even find your pussy with all your fat rolls. That's probably just a food baby you got in there and you're just trying to get money from them." That stung the most. 

I didn't care about people talking about my weight but for people to think I was using Tae, or any of the boys, for money is what hurt. I gave the girl one last look before I walked off, not even turning when I heard Taehyung call out my name. I had tears running down my eyes as I ran out to my car, slamming the car door shut. 

My phone started to ring so I turned the ringer off and tossed it in the back seat. A loud sob fell from my lips as I put my hand on my stomach. I was three and a half months pregnant and had no one. Brent and I had stopped talking after she started dating this fuckboy she met in her class. My brother was always out with his friends, which I was fine with as long as I knew where he was. 

And Tae... I didn't deserve him. The girls were right, about me being too fat to be with him. I just happened to be lucky that he wanted me. I guess this was the end of it now. I just needed to move on.

As I started my car, someone knocked on my window. I looked over and Tae was standing outside the car. I rolled the window down and wiped my eyes from where I had been crying. "I'll bring your stuff to your hotel tonight..." I whispered. 

He frowned and opened the car door, kneeling down. I turned to look at him and he put his hands on my stomach. "I don't love you because of your weight. I love you because you make me feel happy. You make me feel loved. I love you because you show me what it's like to have someone go to the ends of the earth and back for you." 

I teared up again as he spoke and sniffled. "I want you to come to the show tomorrow. I'm going to have a surprise for you." He spoke again and kissed my belly lightly. I tilted my head a bit. "You have so many surprises for me. I love you." I smiled softly. 

He leaned up to kiss me and I cupped his cheeks. "I love you too. Don't ever forget that." He whispered. I couldn't wait to start our family. 

reeeaaallllyyyyy short chapter I apologize but this is just a filler. I also wanted to give you guys a bit more insight into why Meadow is so insecure. The next chapter will be a flashback to her childhood so it'll all be in italics and just be her and some of her brother. I will give a trigger warning now, at the start of the chapter and when it happens; there will be mentions of rape, suicide attempts, self harm and eating disorders. if any of this bothers you, please skip over the parts. i will have them labeled as *****trigger***** so you know where they start and *****end***** so you know where they end. this will be at the top of the next chapter as well. if any of you guys need to talk, please dont hesitate to message me. I love all of you guys.

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