Chapter Six

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Sex with Taehyung.

Moaning his name. 

Feeling his hands on me. 

Making him moan.

God, I love all those things.

It was the day of the concert and I was on the tour bus with Brent and the boys as we went to the arena. Tae and I weren't an actual couple but we were all over each other non-stop. It had been a week exactly since we had sex and the only thing that changed for us was there is a stronger connection. 

Tae was talking to Jin, his hand on my thigh. He had me wear a black skirt that was longer in the back than the front and one of his sweaters, which clung to me more than I had hoped. Despite the countless times Tae had told me how beautiful and amazing I am, I still don't like my body and how I look. 

I felt his hand move up slightly and it sent chills down my spine. Brent looked over at us and rose her eyebrow. I hadn't told her about Tae and I having sex and I felt really bad with her being my best friend and all. But I didn't know how to bring it up without just saying, "Hey, Taehyung and I fucked a couple times and he really enjoys eating me out and when I suck his dick." Yeah, not telling her that/

I gave Brent a small smile and pecked Tae's cheek as the bus came to a stop. There was already screaming from outside the bus as fans ran over to greet the boys. It didn't really faze me anymore that they were famous after getting to know them personally. They were just regular people.

Tae and I were the last ones out and he insisted on holding my hand as we got off the bus. Security lead us through the crowd and Tae waved to the fans, signing some stuff as we were pushed along. People took pictures of the boys. I tried to hide my face but there were people all around and it started to get hard to breathe. 

Taehyung's had left mine at some point in the crowd and that's when it all went downhill. My vision started to blur as I struggled to breathe. People were crowding me and pushing me around, making me close my eyes tightly. I put my hands over my ears as I heard a loud voice yelling at the crowd. 

I soon felt a hand grab my waist and when I looked up, I could make out Taehyungs features from my blurry vision. He put his hand on my back and pulled me close to him, holding me close as the fans were asked nicely to move elsewhere. 

I felt so bad that I was the reason they had to leave but I was so overwhelmed. Tae stayed with me while the others went inside. Jimin brought out a bottle of water for me and I smiled softly as I took it, taking small sips. My eyes wouldn't move to Tae's face. I felt like he was mad at me.

He lifted my chin a bit and pecked my lips. "Are you okay?" He asked and sounded honestly worried. I just gave a slight nod and wrapped my arms tightly around him. He brushed my hair back and kisses my forehead lightly. We head inside and his arms never leave around my waist. 


Brent and I got to watch them practice and we headed backstage after as the arena starts filling in. Our seats are saved in the front by two security guards to make sure no one tries to take them. Tae was shirtless, getting his hair fanned out so it wouldn't be so sweaty from practice. I smiled and walked over to him, leaning up to peck his lips. 

He wrapped his arm around me as he kissed me softly. My hand ran over his chest, the sweat building up reminding me of the last time we had sex. He had me ride him that time, my hands splayed out on his chest as he moaned my name. Just thinking about it got me wet. 

"You okay?" Brent asked and pulled me out of my trance. I just nodded and gave her a small smile. She went back to talking to Jimin and I realized that they had been spending a lot, and I mean a lot, of time together. She would often spend the night in his hotel room since he had his own.

Maybe she has finally found someone for her. I don't have to worry about him hurting her; he's always been a sweetheart. I just hoped she didn't use his fame to his advantage. I love her to death, but it could always happen. 

I looked up when Taehyung pulled me closer to him, kissing my temple. "We are doing a cover of some songs and I want you on stage with us." He said and I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I nodded. "Are you sure? Some of your fans don't like me already.." I mumble and bite my lip lightly. 

"Baby, I don't care if they don't like you.I like you and you like me. That's what matters. And the boys like you too so that's a plus." Tae smiled and I pecked his lips a few times. It was too early to tell him that what I felt was a lot more than just liking him. 

About ten minutes later, they were called to get dressed and ready to go out on stage. I gave Tae one last kiss before Brent and I made our way back to our seats. He were right in the middle of the front row so we could see the boys perfectly. Plus, Tae said that's where he would be most of the time so we traded tickets with a pair of girls who preferred the aisle seats. It worked out perfectly. 

Brent sat down and let out a small huff as she crossed her arms. "What's been going on?" I asked softly as I sat next to her, facing her. She glared at me for a moment before speaking. "All you do is be around Tae. We came here for us. We bought the tickets so you and I could do something together. But all you wanna do is fuck Taehyung and be around him. Jimin has been crying because Tae doesn't do anything with the band outside of practice and it's pissing me off." She said and I was a bit taken back. 

I realized as the boys walked out onto the stage that she was right. But I had a feeling in my stomach and I knew it wasn't because of what was going on. I had missed my menstrual cycle that month and the first time Tae and I had sex, I was in full ovulation. 

And we didn't use a condom. 


i'm currently looking for someone to help me pace myself and work on writing out longer chapters and such. with school and starting a new job, i am in the need of a co-writer. if you are interested, please message me and we can discuss this further. thank you xx

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