Chapter Seven

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After the concert, we all went out to eat at a fancy restaurant. I sat in a place so Tae and Jimin could sit together since they were so close before. As everyone sat down, I got a whiff of some fish and it made my stomach churn.

I promised Brent I wouldn't go back to Tae's room and I was going to keep that promise but with the way, Tae was touching my thighs, his hand pushing my skirt up; I might as well just sit on his lap or let him finger me. 

And I think that was his plan all along. He pulled my chair closer to his as he talked to Jimin and pushed my shirt up more. I subconsciously spread my legs once his fingers worked on my panties. He had told me not to wear leggings or shorts under the skirt and I had figured something would happen, just not so public. 

I swallowed down a moan as he pushed my panties to the side and rubbed my clit lightly. He was still caught up in his conversation with Jimin when the waiter came. He, however, ordered something for us to share after everyone else ordered. 

My head dropped as his fingers entered me, a soft moan leaving my lips. I blushed as I bit my lip lightly. I wrapped my hand around his wrist and pulled it closer so his fingers pushed deeper inside me. I could see the smirk on his lips as he moved his fingers faster, curling them just right to hit that special spot. 

I closed my eyes and bit my lip harder as I pulled the back of my skirt up so I wouldn't get anything on it. With the way his fingers were curling, I knew I was going to skirt and it would be messy. Within a moment of him moving his fingers faster, I gripped his wrist and pulled his hand back. I had to cover my mouth to muffle the moan as I squirted onto the floor and a bit on the chair. 

Tae smirked and rubbed my thigh lightly as he kissed my cheek lightly. "Did so good for my princess. Such a good girl." I blushed at his praise and closed my eyes. "Thank you oppa~" I whispered and hoped no one heard. 

But the way Hobi high-fived Tae told me either he told them, or he noticed something. I fixed my skirt and kept my eyes down as the waiter brought the food. I was far too embarrassed to say anything after that. 


Dinner went by without a word form me, but the boys spoke a lot. About the upcoming tour dates and where they were heading. They had another show in France and then they were going to Australia. 

I didn't want to listen to them talk about the tour, about Tae leaving and probably finding someone else. I excused myself to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall as I felt the tears forming in my eyes. I could hear the door opening and close as I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs. 

"Meadow... open the door." I heard Jimin's soft voice and if I didn't know him, I would have asked why he was in the girl's restroom. I opened the door and looked up at him with tears running down my cheeks he stepped in and wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my back. 

I let out soft sobs as I gripped onto his shirt tightly, my body shaking as I felt a panic attack coming on. His hand brushed over my back which helped calm me a bit. I let out a soft whimper and just looked up at him. He gave me a soft smile, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 

"It's gonna be okay." He said softly and wiped my cheeks off. I shook my head a bit and whimpered again. "H-he's gonna find someone prettier... skinnier... someone that doesn't get weird looks when she wears a crop top and leggings. Someone who can travel with him... I'm so scared to lose him. I love him." I whispered and closed my eyes. 

Jimin frowned and shook his head. "Sweetheart, V doesn't want anyone else but you. When he isn't with you, all he talks about is how he misses you. He loves you." He said and brushed his fingers through my hair. 

I just gave a short nod as I thought for a moment. I had heard Taehyung say that he loved me once before after we had sex and he thought I was asleep. I had been scared then, scared to be in love and to be hurt. But I knew that he wasn't going to hurt me. I knew that I loved him. 

Jimin calmed me down and helped me look presentable before we went back out to the table. Taehyung looked up at me and a frown formed on his lips when he saw Jimin kiss my temple. It was a simple friendly gesture, so I didn't pay mind to it as I sat down next to Tae. I leaned against him a bit and kissed his cheek. 

The boys spoke for a bit longer before deciding that tonight would be a night in, and we could all go out tomorrow night to a club. Tae and I rode in a cab together as the others split up into their own. He hadn't said a word to me since I came back from my breakdown in the bathroom. 

I looked out the window and closed my eyes as I sighed softly. When we got back to the hotel, I headed towards mine and Brent's room, figuring he didn't want me to stay with him tonight. But he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him when the elevator doors opened. 

I looked up at him and bit my lip lightly. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked a bit sadly. I shrugged a bit and pulled away from him. "To bed. I'm tired and not really in the mood to be ignored even more. Plus I promised to spend the night with Brent." I mumbled and looked down. 

He watched me and gave a slight nod. "We need to talk though and I would prefer to do it now than tomorrow." He said with a bit of worry in his tone. I looked up and nodded a bit, sighing as the elevator doors closed. 

It was silent until we got back to his room, the only sound before he spoke being the door clicking shut. "Did you let him touch you?" He asked and I frowned as I watched him. "Did I let who touch me?" "Jimin. When he went to get you from the bathroom. Did he touch you?" He sounded jealous. 

"No, Taehyung. I didn't let him touch me. But maybe I should have because in those ten minutes he was calming me down, he showed me more emotions that you have so far. Right now, all I think you want me for is sex. But that's not what I want. So if you really love me like he says you do, start showing it. Until then, I'm done." I said and walked out, letting the tears sting my eyes.

I went back to my room and broke down as soon as I stepped into the door. I hoped Brent was there but she wasn't. I felt like I was losing everyone that was important to me. I was tired of being hurt all the time. 

I tried to call my brother before I went to bed, but he didn't answer, which worried me. But he sent me a good night text after a few moments, saying he was too tired to talk and that he would call in the morning. He must have been working really hard with his private instructor. 

I sighed softly and closed my eyes as I laid on the floor. I wasn't in the mood to be comfortable anyways. Just before I fell asleep, I got a text from Tae. I had only read the first three words before falling asleep, too tired and exhausted to stay up any longer. 

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