Chapter Eight: Blood of an Angel

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Leslie managed to stay up at such a late time in the passenger seat of another officer's car. As the night shift, she was a ordered to do patrol work; ride around the district, checking the blocks for gangs or suspicious activity. Major Weber assigned her with Diaz, considering it was Miles day off and they all knew he needed it the most. The detective didn't mine, Diaz wasn't a bad partner to have- even though he's a rookie and made a few bad choices in the past year.

She rest on her hand while looking out into the dark streets of Brooklyn, the smell of fried food and gas filled the car air; even with the window down, it still hit her. True characteristics of night patrol. It wasn't her favorite thing in the world but it was something to keep her out of the office, which she's grateful for.

Diaz was smacking down on his fries when he finally killed the silence between them. "When I heard you backed talk Nathaniel that night at the bar, I thought you were crazy. But when I also heard you took down the Weller killer, I figured you as a badass."

Leslie chuckled, she tore her eyes away from the dark alley ahead full of drug fends and homeless people. She grabbed the cup of Pepsi from the holder before speaking. "Detective Hardy is nothing but a baby in a suit, you can say I said that."

Diaz nod his head in agreement. "You're not too bad."

Leslie took several gulps of her drink before grabbing her untouched burger. At first she wasn't hungry but with time going by and her doing nothing but sit on in a car, her stomach left a pocket for her to end the boredom. "How old are you, Diaz?"



"My first name is Albert and I'm twenty-five." Albert balled up the aluminum foil and tossed it into the bag in between Leslie's feet.

"A little young to be a detective." She pointed out before taking a bite, the juices from the burger rolled down her chin- she quickly wiped it with a thin napkin.

Albert nod his head, "I was the top of my unit. I was transferred from Queens, I've been kinda... bad. Being the youngest of the department went straight to my head."

Leslie sighed heavily in satisfaction from the greasy food, it's been a long time. "Been there, done that. For a guy your age, you have more opportunities than the rest of us so don't screw it up."

"Yes ma'am."

Leslie sent him a cold glare for the polite saying for an old woman, who she is not- at least not yet. She took another bite of the burger, but before she could swallow the greasy substance, the police scanner came to life.

"A 19, what is your status?"

Albert grabbed the walk-in talkie. "Parked on 5th Street, waiting for action."

"Need a 10-40 on Anderson avenue, bank alarm went of maybe a robbery in progress."

"10-4. Going get right on that." Albert put the old device on the dashboard before putting his garbage away. "Finally."

Leslie quickly finished the burger as Albert attempted to speed the road with causing too much attention. Once near the bank, they could hear the alarm and see the flashing lights; the street was empty with a few cars, nothing out of the ordinary. Leslie wiped her hands and mouth before getting out the car, she cringed from the annoying sound that oddly did not draw in any other cop.

Readying their guns, the two detectives stepped to the front door that was apparently cracked open. Leslie sighed heavily, "I'm going to call this in." She announced before walking back to the car. Grabbing the walkie talkie, Leslie stood outside the car as her eyes wandered around the scene. "Charlie 109, this is A 19 checking on the alarm. I'm gonna need back up, and a k-9 on stand by."

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