Chapter Twenty-One: Meeting the Anakin's

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"What the fuck did you just say?!" Evelyn practically yelled at the top of her lungs in the middle of the grocery, next to a bus load of old woman. They all gasped, placing a hand on their chest to show an extra amount of disappointment at the nurse in uniform. "Sorry." She said in a half ass apology while grabbing a large eggplant from the shelf. "Have you gone mad? Once your father sees D'Angelo in person, he's going to fucking flip."

Leslie sighed in agreement, taking the large GMO eggplant from her friend's hand, she basically tossed it back onto the shelf. "Dad already knows he's Italian."

"It's one thing to hear it, but to see... Christ, I just imagine what he will say." Eve pushed her cart full of vegetables and fruits down the isle. "And that dragon, she's more addicted to drama than Bobby Brown to cocaine. What did D'Angelo say?"

Leslie stopped at the shelf full of organic broccoli, "I told him of my father's perspective with my relationships. I don't know how he feels, exactly."

"It's gonna be one hell of a weekend." Taking the broccoli out of the detective's hand, Eve tossed it in the cart and continued on.

"Aren't you suppose to be supporting me? Giving me positive advice and encouraging me to keep my damn head up. Not bashing my brains out and fucking me over."

"That's D'Angelo's job."

Leslie slowly rolled her eyes, she picked up her pace into the next isle over. Eve was hot on her ass with another form of ranting and a deeper conversation. "Evelyn, please. I already have things on my mind. One of them being D'Angelo's best friend is a fucking accountant supermodel. She baked cookies yesterday at his house, when I walked in it felt like him and I were the ones having an affair. I haven't felt this insecure since high school."

Evelyn stepped by her best friend's side, looking at the can of beets and other disgusting produce. "What did he say?"

"That if he was fucking her, he would allow me to shoot his balls off and he'll put it in writing."

"Why is food here so damn expensive? Seriously, with all this cash we're giving out for some shit tasting beets, you'll think they'll be a stripper inside."

Leslie bit the bottom of her lip and shook her head at her own thoughts. "Am I overreacting? If you seen her..."

"When you saw that woman in his home baking cookies... who the hell bake cookies anymore? Anyway, when you saw her, how did you feel?"

"Jealous for one."

"Let me rephrase. When you walked in, did you suspect someone was getting fucked."

"Excuse me, this is a family store." A tiny woman stood before them, a real housewife in the making. Two kids stood in each side of her- not paying attention to neither one of them. "Can you bring your cursing down to the minimum?"

Evelyn and Leslie shared a look before nodding their heads yes. The woman skipped away as if she won a battle, which she truly lost because the two heavily employed women was too tired and too bossed our to even give a rats ass about anything and anyone other than their own problems.

"I hate housewives." Evelyn said in her normal tone of voice.

"Careful, I might be one someday."

"Don't remind me. Let's continue with our conversation before with drift off to another." Eve grabbed the same canned beets she was complaining about no too long ago.

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