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This is my new story called 'It's Been Two Years', I hope you all enjoy it cause I've enjoyed writing it. Anyways hope you all like it.
And please comment if you've liked it, I like reading what you all think. Xxx
It was almost time to walk down the aisle and Magnus was beginning to sweat, how hard can it be after today he's going to be married to his love. Who is he kidding he's terrified.

"Hey dude, calm down" Jace said placing his hands on Magnus' shoulders getting him to stop pacing.

"Thanks" Magnus said

"What's wrong?" Jace asked

"Nothing, just you know" Magnus said looking up into the sky from the balcony

"Yeah I understand" Jace said joining Magnus and looking up

"Do you think he accepts this?" Magnus asked directing at the whole wedding, and him re-marrying.

"Hey" Jace said getting his attention "The only person who knew my brother better than me was you"

"I know, but what do you think about it?" Magnus asked again

"Look, I think he's looking down at us right now and if I know my brother he's telling you to 'get up on that alter and be happy, move on' and I know he'd want that and so do you" Jace said

"Thank you" Magnus said

"You guys ready?" Jocelyn asked interrupting their conversation

"Yeah, Magnus?" Jace said

"Let's get married" Magnus said

Jace and Magnus were now standing on the alter waiting for Clary and Stiles to walk out. Their whole family were in the crowd, all with huge smiles on their faces.

The music began playing and the doors opened and Ava began walking down the isle planting flowers all the way down. But once he saw Stiles standing in the entrance his arm linked with Clary everyone else in the room disappeared, his eyes locked onto Stiles'. They began walking closer and closer until they were standing right by them. Jace took clary's hand, and Magnus took Stiles' both helping them up the steps. The music stopped and they were looking each other in the eyes, full of love.

"Now let's begin" the initiator said "But before we do, if anyone does not accept this marriage speak up now or forever hold your peace" The 4 all looked at everyone but they were all smiling "Good, now we are here today to celebrate two unions. These two couples who have come together as one, who are ready to spend the rest of their lives with one another, right?" He asked and they all chuckled and nodded their heads.

"Yes" The 4 said

"Okay, so I heard you have written your own vows is that correct"

"Yes" Magnus said

"Okay whoever wants to go first" he said

Jace and Clary stepped back letting the other two go first.

"Okay, I guess us first then" Stiles said

They both stood in the middle of the alter, ready to let out their feelings. Stiles went first taking hold of Magnus' hands in his.

"When I first met you I didn't know that you were going to be the best thing that ever happened to me, but here we are, you are the most important thing in my life, and nothing or no one will ever change how I feel about you" Magnus had a tear slowly making its way down his cheek "But I knew when I met you that I felt something, I didn't want to admit to the world my feelings, but you helped me through that. You made me feel loved, something I hadn't felt in a long time. I am so happy I saw you that day, that I had the courage to talk to you, I love you so much" Stiles said

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