22~Don't listen

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"I never meant to hurt anyone" Stiles said truthfully "least of all you or Maryse"

"Well it's too late"

"And there's nothing can do to make up for that"

"That's right there not" Magnus spoke "you should have told me the minute you saw Alec"

"Yeah I know that now, hell I knew that back then, but please try to understand I was scared, I was afraid if Alec ever came back into your life that you'd forget about me, the life we were planning, the life we had would just be gone, that I'd lose you forever" Magnus looked towards to door and sped over, Stiles turned around and saw the reason why

"What are you doing here?" Alec (Jonathan) said brushing past Magnus

"Looking for you" Magnus said walking behind him "I told you I'm not giving up on you and I meant that, I have to find a way to make you remember your life as Alec Lightwood"

"Stop calling me that, my name is not Alec Lightwood man, it's Jonathan Morgernstern!!" Alec (Jonathan) exclaimed

"No it's not" Stiles pushed in "Jonathan Morgernstern is Lilith's real son, you are Alec" Alec (Jonathan) sighed at this

"You are, you're Alec, and today's actually your birthday, we should be celebrating, with me" he gestured to himself "with Eva, your friend, your family, we miss you so much"

"Who are you?" Alec (Jonathan) asked Stiles, changing the subject "You another one of my friends from New York to talk me on a trip down memory lane" he waited for an answer "I'm serious!! Did he put you up to this or...or what? Or did Maryse harass you to come here?"

"I'm here because of him" Stiles spoke up pointing towards Magnus "My name is Stiles Stilinski, I'm Magnus' fiancée"

"Interesting, I thought we were married Magnus, you told me we had this amazing love, it's funny how you left out the part about you having a fiancée" Alec (Jonathan) said with a slight smirk grazing his lips you could say

"You and I had a life together, Stiles came into the picture when you were gone" Magnus said "I know this all hard to take in all at once, but if I can just show you the life that you had in New Y-"

"You already gave me a clip noted version of this story remember, including how I apparently have an adorable little girl" Alec (Jonathan) cut him off

"Eva; the most adorable little girl in the entire world" Magnus corrected "But you probably don't remember this, but the night Lydia gave birth to her, you were shot, and nearly died"

"Is that right?" Alec (Jonathan) said not believing a word

"It is true, and I can prove it to you, you have a scar; right here" Magnus places his finger right above Alec's hip where he knows where the scar is by heart, as Magnus backed up Alec picked up the side of his shirt to see there actually was a scar there, sure it was faint, but it was there

"I..I...I don't even know why I'm listening to you, my mother told me this would happen, that you would try and convince me that I'm someone else" Alec (Jonathan) said

"Because you are" Magnus said in a voice that seemed drowned

"No!! You're lying, my mothers the only one telling me the truth" he exclaimed

"You're wrong" a girls voice is heard from behind them "Wow!! It really is you" she whispered

"I've seen you before" Alec (Jonathan) said stepping towards the girl "You're gonna tell me you're my sister aren't you?"

"How do you....how do you know?" Izzy asked slightly shocked

"Maryse showed me your picture, she said that we were pretty close" Izzy laughed, not the 'that's so funny' kind of laugh, but the 'omg you're here' kind

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