21~Hard To Believe

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Here you go everyone, I hope you all enjoy reading. This chapter is not a promise that I'll publish a chapter almost everyday, it's just that I'm gonna try and maybe do once a week, depends how busy I am. I have loads of exams coming up, and I'm having to revise loads, hope you all understand. Xx

"Mom what the hell happened?" Izzy exclaimed coming over to the cell that an officer now unlocked letting her and Jace out, no one said anything, it was just silent "Jace?!" she asked turning to look at her brother "If someone doesn't tell me what's going on in one second then I swear I'll en-"

"Will was telling the truth" Jace spoke up

"What?" Izzy said quietly

"He wasn't lying, Alec's alive" as soon as Izzy heard that her legs just gave out on her and she collapsed onto the floor
Magnus pushed delete on the voicemail he'd just listened to from Stiles that had just came through when he heard a door to the cafe open. Magnus turned around so fast it gave him whiplash


"You were hoping I was Alec" Luke said closing the door and coming to sit next to Magnus "I know, Look I know you probably don't wanna talk about th-"

"Luke there's nothing to talk about" he cut Luke off "my husband doesn't remember me, we were sitting there like we were strangers, and I thought if I told him about his child that's what would break through, but it only made him more upset"

"That's a lot to take in for him all at once, it's gonna take some time you know"

"Yeah, I hope so"

"Hows Stiles? How's he dealing with all this?" Luke asked

"I don't know, and I don't care" Magnus answered straight up

"You don't mean that"

"I didn't get to process what Stiles did, cause I was so desperate to find Alec" Magnus said as he began to pace "But as I think about it I mean how could he..." he scoffed "How could he keep that to himself

"Look I know you're angry, but him not telling you about Alec, that doesn't seem like the Stiles I know"

"It was Stiles, he admitted it Luke!" Magnus exclaimed

"I'm just saying" Luke said stopping him from pacing "He was desperate, I'm sure he's afraid he's going to lose you Magnus"

"He should be" he said flatly "When Alec died, when we thought he died me and Alec were in the middle of a huge fight"

"Yeah, So??"

"So why is Stiles being so insecure about our relationship?" Magnus asked

"Magnus are you telling me that Stiles has nothing to worry about, that you have no feeling for Alec what so ever?" Luke stated

"I have to make him remember who I am, and what we had together, I have to go back and try again"
"Stiles knew?" Izzy asked from the passenger seat of the parked car

"Yeah" Maryse answered

"But he would of told us the second he saw Alec" Izzy stated

"Well he didn't" Jace answered from the back seat "And now because of that Alec thinks he's now Jonathan"

"He thinks what?!?!" Izzy exclaimed

"Lilith has done something to him, he doesn't remember anything from before two years ago" Maryse stated

"So he doesn't remember any of us then" Izzy said, more to herself then the other two

"It's like he's been brainwashed, it was like he was afraid of us" Jace stated

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