17~Home Again

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"Look I uh...I should go" Alec said as he began to get up off the sofa from where he and Stiles had been sat for almost 3 hours watching movies

"No don't" Stiles said as he pulled Alec back down

"Seriously, I have things that I need to take care of and this shouldn't....this can't happen again" Alec said

"Why? Because your writing an article that may or mat not include me" Stiles said smiling

"No" Alec began "For a lot of reasons"

"Alec I gotta know why can't we see each other again?" Alec sighed at Stiles' question

"It's complicated"

"How? We're two people who enjoy each others company, right?" Stiles asked, Alec thought for a second before answering


"Then where's the problem?" Stiles smiled

"It's just, I've been here longer than I planed, like I said I have things I need to take care of" Alec said as he put on his shoes

"Sure, understood, you have a life" Stiles said standing up to meet him by the door

"Yeah, everyone has, even you" Alec said chuckling to himself, he kissed Stiles on the cheek before opening the door

"When are you coming back?" Stiles asked

"I'm not sure if I'm coming back" and before Stiles could say anything Alec was out the door just like the day before. Alec walked over to his car and when he was sure Stiles wasn't looking he slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wedding ring and slipped it back onto his finger. Alec made his journey home after making a short stop at the motel he booked the other night, by the time he'd gotten home it was about 8:00pm. "Hellooooo" Alec sang as he opened the front door to their house

"Daddyyyy" Ava yelled running in and jumping in the air for Alec to catch her

"I missed you" he said as he kissed Ava all over her face and tickled under her arms pits

"I missed you too" she squealed whilst laughing

"Not as much as I did" Magnus said, when Alec looked up he saw his husband leaning against the door frame arms crossed with the biggest grin, Alec placed Ava down and walked over to Magnus and embraced him in a hug

"I missed you too" he said as Magnus snuggled his head into the crook of Alec's neck

"So are you gonna tell us about this story that you had to go all the way to wherever you went?" Magnus asked as they pulled apart

"I'm not at liberty to share top secret information with anyone outside the office" Alec said as he walked into the living room

"Since when Mr.Blabbermouth" Magnus exclaimed

"Since it's a story like I have now, I'm not even sure I'm gonna publish it, that's why I'm gonna have to be leaving every now and then, to get some proof on my story" Alec said as he pulled Ava onto his lap on the couch "Come here" he said grabbing Magnus' hand and pulling him into him as they laid on the couch snuggled up together.

"Daddy will you help with my homework? Papa said you'd understand it" Ava asked innocently

"Did he now" Alec said looking at Magnus,

"I said no such thing" Magnus said

"Yes you did Papa, I asked if you could help me and you just said feed it to the cat" Ava said

"Snitch" Magnus whispered

"I'm gone two days and you're teaching our daughter excuses of getting away with not doing her homework" Alec said

"Someone's gotta do it, you and Lydia wouldn't have" Magnus said, Alec just shook his head disappointingly but laughing on the inside

"Come on honey, let's leave Papa to his wicked ways" Alec said getting up and following Ava to her room, it was now 9:30pm and after helping Ava with her homework and laying with her for a while watching a short movie she fell asleep. Alec quietly turned off the tv and tucked her into bed as to not wake her up, he turned off her bedroom light and closed the bedroom door.

"Finally now it's my turn to play" Magnus said once Alec had gotten to their room, he planted his lips onto Alec's and pushed him into the wall

"Hmm, mhm, mhm" Alec said pushing Magnus off of him

"What's wrong?" Magnus asked

"Nothing, I'm just a little tired, do you mind if we just sleep tonight?" Alec asked

"Yeah, sure" Magnus said as he crawled into bed and waited for Alec. "Goodnight" He said once Alec was in bed


"Love you" Magnus whispered

"Mhm" Alec said before drifting off to sleep
Published~September 10, 2018

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