18~I Did

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"What happened after he left?" Scott asked

"I don't know, I just watched him walk out the door and go to his car, then he drove off. I didn't see him then until two weeks later" Stiles said

"Two seconds" Stiles yelled, he was in the middle of changing when he heard the doorbell ring. He ran down the stairs completely forgetting to put on a shirt "H-" Stiles stopped talking when he saw who was at the door "What the hell are you doing here?" He said walking over to the couch to pick up a shirt

"I came to see you, what does it look like" Alec said walking into the house

"After two whole weeks" Stiles exclaimed "With no phone call, not even to say you got home safely"

"I'm sorry"

"That's not gonna cut it, look you can't come barging into my life with no warning, I have a life remember, what if I have plans" Stiles said scurrying around the house picking things up and clearing them away

"Well do you?" Alec asked

"As a matter of fact, yes I do have plans so I don't have time for your stupid article right now okay" Stiles said as he threw a dog toy on the floor

"I didn't know you had a dog" Alec said

"I don't"

"Dog toys aren't my go to toys but they could work" Alec said stepping forward to kiss Stiles

"No" Stiles said pushing Alec away

"No what?"

"I'm not falling for your tricks again, you come here make me feel stuff then you leave, I'm not doing it again" Stiles said

"I promise not to make you feel stuff" Alec said smiling

"Well it's too late for that, look I...I think you should just leave okay, my life is already complicated enough as it is, I don't need to have to carry around another secret that I'm with a guy okay" Stiles said

"Wait your not out?" Alec asked

"Of course I'm not out for Christ sake" Stiles said

"You should it's a lot freer" Alec said sitting down at the kitchen table

"Do you have any regrets about coming out?" Stiles asked sitting beside him

"The only regret I have is not doing it sooner to be honest" Alec answered "I came out when I was 20, I'm 25 now. During the time I wasn't out I was with someone, and I didn't see that it was fair to drag her along, as I knew the relationship we had wasn't gonna have a happy ending. I really hurt a lot of people Stiles" Alec frowned

"But how many did you hurt when you came out?" Stiles asked

"I guess I hurt some people by coming out but most of them were understanding"


"Some people were upset that I hadn't been honest sooner, yeah" Alec said "Other people, it took them longer to get used to the idea, and to realise that I'm still the same person"

"So if I do all this, do you guarantee that I'll meet the man of my dreams and live happily ever after" Stiles smiled, Alec shrugged his shoulders before answering

"I did, why can't you?"

"Wait? You're with the man of your dreams now?" Stiles asked

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