11~Now or Never

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Stiles had just walked out and now he was sitting on the floor leaning back on a chair having a hard time breathing. His breaths were uncontrollable and you could hear the how hard he was trying to get his breathing back to normal. His chest was in pain, and his eyes were beginning to go all blurry and he couldn't focus on anything around him. All he could hear was loud breaths that he soon realised were being created by him. He didn't know what was happening but he didn't wanna shout, one of the reasons being he physically couldn't, and the other he didn't wanna make a fool out of himself. He felt completely out of it until he heard the door open and someone slide beside him and a faint voice.

"Stiles" he couldn't completely pinpoint who the voice was exactly be all he knew was someone was there with him "Hey Stiles man, can you here me, hey look at me" the person in front of him said as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. After he said that he realised the voice was a man, and soon after he realised it was Scott and tried to say his name.

"Sco..ott" He said trying to look up

"Hey I'm...I'm here" He could here Scott's voice now a lot clearer but was still having a trouble breathing

"This, it's no, this can't....no it cant" Stiles said frantically

"Hey bud what's happening, what's wrong" Scott asked concerned

"He, he's ali-no, no he, I lied, I lied Sco-" Stiles began but stopped talking

"Stiles it's okay just umm...take your time, take some deep breaths, try and slow your breathing, you can do it"

Stiles closed his eyes shut, and tried to do what Scott told him.

"I can't" Stiles rasped

"Yes you can just keep doing what your doing all right, your doing great" Scott reassured him "Man, Lydia would come real handy in this situation" Scott said under his breath. Stiles looked up at him after hearing what he had said, and could kinda see Scott's face now. It wasn't as blurry as it was as the start, he could see the concerned look in his eyes and how worried he was.

He closed his eyes once again and tried to slow his breathing, he clenched his hands into fists and pushed them into the floor. He was getting extremely frustrated with himself, and it didn't help that he was using all his strength to clench his hands so he released them. He attempted to slow his breathing, going slow and steady, after a couple minutes he could feel his breaths going back to normal. Once he knew he was good he looked up at Scott and gave him a reassuring look that he was okay.

"Bloody hell dude you scared the shit outta me" Scott said nudging Stiles shoulder as he collapsed to the floor

"Sorry" Stiles said

"Yeah, you're lucky I was here" he said sitting up

"What are you doing here anyways?" Stiles asked

"So you forgot about that to then huh, we were supposed to go hang out. But when I knocked on the door no one was answering so I just walked in and I heard someone in here, and you know the rest" Scott told him

"Yeah thanks"

There was a slight awkward silence after that, it only lasted a few seconds before Scott asked a question.

"Hey, Stiles?" Stiles Just hummed in response "When I came in I think you were a little out of it, and you said something." Stiles looked up at this "You umm...you seemed kinda freaked, and worried maybe, but you definitely sounded scared or something like that"

"What is it?" Stiles regretted saying that the second he asked

"You said that you lied about something, and you said 'he' a couple times. Is there anything you wanna tell me, you know you can trust me, it doesn't matter what you lied about I'll still be here" Scott reassured him

"Promise?" Stiles asked

"I promise" Scott replied

"Cause this is like serious shit Scott, and I need your word you won't tell anyone" Stiles said

"I promise I won't" Scott said

"Scott I need your word" stiles begged

"Stiles, man I promise I won't tell anyone, you have my word, my mouth is sealed" Scott said

And that's when Stiles began telling Scott everything, from his trip, to finding out that Alec's alive but keeping it a secret, and telling Magnus that he's dead. And now Magnus, Jace and Simon know he's alive but don't know that Stiles has seen him.

"Stiles" Scott said standing up and rubbing the bridge of his nose

"Scott you promised you wouldn't tell anyone" Stiles said as he stood up

"I know I did, but man this; this thing you're on about, it's serious"

"I know"

"What are you gonna do?" Scott asked

"I don't know" Stiles said as he flopped onto the couch

"Dude" Scott said as he sat down beside him

"No Scott, I know that look, I don't like that look, you're gonna tell me to do something that I'm not gonna like"

"Sorry man, but you have to tell him. Do you really want him to spend all this time trying to find him, not truly knowing if he is alive. But here you are and you know exactly where he is, I think you should tell him" Scott said

"I don't know if I can, he's gonna hate me"

"Maybe, but what can you do" Scott said "Hey I'm gonna be critical with you here, and you're not gonna like what I have to say but someone's gonna have to say it"

"Go for it"

"You're a real dick for doing this you know, and you should have told someone the second you saw him, but you were too selfish to do so. And now you're too far along, and you kept that secret for far too long. Now your gonna man up and go over there and your gonna tell him everything without being a big baby about it. Cause in my opinion you've been a real douche about this" Scott said walking over and opening the door for Stiles

"Now? No, I can't now" he said

"Yes now, you're just gonna end up holding it off for longer and longer and that's not gonna help anyone. So get up off your ass and get over there, now" Scott said

"I hate you for this"

"Well someone has to do it" Scott pulled Stiles out of the room and dragged him to where the others were. When he opened the door and pushed Stiles in they all looked up at him.

"Well it's now or never" he whispered to himself
Published~August 20, 2018
There's another chapter for you guys. Now how much do we love Scotty for making Stiles do that? Anyways hope you all enjoyed it, see you all next time byeee. Xxx

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