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Stiles had just told Magnus that he'll see him soon and hopped in his car and began his journey. After about 6 hours he finally arrived, it took longer than he expected because the traffic was terrible but he got there.

He hoped out and walked into the office.

"Hey I'm here for my evaluation" stiles told the women behind the desk

She looked up and smiled at him "Sure, you just need to fill this out and Mr. Jones will be out soon" she said handing him a clip board with a pen

"Thank you" he said as he took it

As he finished filling it out a man came out of his office and looked at him.

"Are you Mieczyslaw Stilinski?" He asked

"Call me Stiles" he told him as he shakes his hand

"Well, come on in Stiles" he said

After about an hour he was finally allowed to leave that hell hole. As soon as he exited the building he called his best friend.

"Hey man, what's up" Scott's voice was heard through the phone

"Just finished with my evaluation, it was horrible"

"Well at least you'll get your badge back now"

"Yeah, but I'm gonna have to drive another 6 hours at least back up there and it's already 7:00pm, I'm absolutely shattered" Stiles said rubbing at his eyes

"Well rent a room for the night, I dont want you falling asleep at the wheel"

"Sure, Hey I gotta go I'll call you tomorrow okay"

"Yeah sure, bye man"

"See ya"

Stiles groaned and hopped back into his car and began his drive to the nearest motel.

Stiles woke up the next morning not sure where he was then soon remembered what happened the day before. He got up and went over to the sink and splashed some water in his face. He looked up into the mirror and began talking to himself;

"How are you today mirror Stiles?" He asked mirror him

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" He nodded to himself

"I'm great except for the whole fiancé walking off as we were about to become husbands, but other than that my life is great" he said smiling to himself and laid his head onto the mirror sighing.

He picked himself up and wiped the tear that was threatening to fall and walked back out. He was kinda hungry so decided to walk over to the little cafe across the street to the motel. He walked over waving to the cars letting him pass.

When he entered the little cafe he looked around and it was quite a nice place. About four booths along the sides, ten tables jotted around the room, a pool table at the far end of the room, and the little bar type place where you ordered your meal.

The place was relatively empty only a few people filling up the place. He walked up to order his food to see no one there. He turned to the people that were at the table behind him.

"Does anyone actually work here?" He asked

"Sure" the girl said

"Thanks that helps" he said as he turns back around and leans on the surface

He saw a person walking out of the back room and Stiles swore he looked familiar but he just couldn't place where he'd seen him. The boy had his back towards Stiles so that didn't help with trying to identify him at all. Stiles just stared at him trying his hardest to think as the boy cleaned up the empty tables.

When the boy finally did turn around a million thoughts flashed through Stiles' thoughts. He didn't know what to do he just stood there, he couldn't talk, he couldn't move, it was like he was powerless. All he could do was stare at the boy in front of him. Stiles didn't realise the boy had approached him until he began talking.

"Hello sir, you Okay" he said

"I...uh-you um....you" Stiles couldn't get a proper sentence out, he was too shocked to do anything

"Look do you want anything to eat or...?"

"No I um....it's just"

"Just what?" The boy asked

"You're here, how?" Stiles asked completely confused

"Look man, I don't know what's wrong but if your not gonna order anything I suggest you leave" he told Stiles in the nicest way he could

Stiles stumbled his way out of the cafe and as soon as he was out of the way, where no one could see him he collapsed to the floor. He felt like he couldn't breath, he definitely couldn't see because his eyes were filled with tears but nothing fell. All he heard were the sound of cars passing, and people back inside the cafe talking. But one voice he knew all too well, the voice of the boy that had made him powerless, the boy from all those years ago, the one everyone thought was gone.

Published~August 6, 2018
HE'S ALIVE, THANK GOD. Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. See you next time guys, xxx.

Just to let you guys know I think I'm gonna make a new publishing order, cause the writing is kinda slow. So I'm gonna post two chapters a week maybe, every Monday and Friday. Is this okay with you guys? I hope it is. Xx

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