16~Prove It

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"Alec?" Stiles had just opened the door to see Alec standing there

"Hey" he said walking in

"What are you doing here?" he asked closing the door behind him

"I told you that I was coming back"

"Yeah but I thought that was another like 'Yeah Stiles of course I'll come to your 10th birthday party' situation" Stiles said

"No one turned up to your party?" Alec asked

"Well except for Scott and Theo of course" Stiles said

"Well when I say I'm gonna do something I'm gonna do it, in this case come and see you" Alec smiled


"Why'd I come see you?" Stiles nodded "Well I'm in town so why not spend my time her with you"

"And do what?" Stiles asked

"Well I am a reporter aren't I, there must be something I could write about" Alec smirked

"I thought you said you weren't gonna tell anyone" Stiles said

"Maybe not about the whole supernatural part but there must be something that you could give me to write about" Alec said stepping towards

"Not really" Stiles said

"So this town is full of supernatural beings and you have nothing you can tell me?"

"You said you weren't gonna write anything about supernatural"

"I said that I wasn't gonna write about the supernatural, but you however..." Alec said

"What else was in that package?" Stiles asked

"There was a name; Donovan Donati" Alec said "Now you Stiles are gonna tell me all about him"

"What about him? I don't know where Donovan is" Stiles said

"Now how would do I know that he's in Beacon Hills Cemetery and you wouldn't, I live in New York after all you live right here in Beacon Hills" Alec told him "The papers rule it was an accident but I don't think that's true, what about you Stiles? What do you think?"

"Of course it was an accident" Stiles said

"Really because a second ago you were talking to me like Donovan was alive and now your saying he died caused by an accident, what's the truth Stiles?" Alec asked stepping even closer towards Stiles causing him to crash into the arms of the sofa from trying to back away from Alec

"You can not report any of this" Stiles said straightening himself up looking Alec straight in the eyes

"What if I did?" Alec asked smirking

"Because" Stiles began stepping towards Alec their faces a few inches apart, just like the day before "I might not have heightened senses but I can tell you don't really want to" Alec took a step back "I can tell your just looking for a story so you've come to me thinking you'd get one. But guess what your wrong because I ain't telling you nothin'" it was now Stiles' turn to smirk "Now why don't you ask me the question you've been dying to ask me since the second you laid eyes on me" Alec gulped "Well go ahead Alec, what's the big question?"

"I umm-"

"You afraid to ask?"

"No I" Alec took a breath before he continued "Are you gay?"

"Do you think I'm gay Alec?" Stiles asked

"Yes" it was a simple reply "Yes I do"

"Are you gay Alec?" Stiles asked back

"Yes I am" Alec answered nodding

"Then I'll answer your question" Stiles said stepping forward, he took hold of Alec's cheeks and planted his lips on Alec's. They kissed for a few seconds before Alec placed his palms on Stiles' chest and pushed himself back

"This" Alec breathed heavily "Shouldn't happen"

"So you got your answer" Stiles smiled "Yes I'm gay, just like you thought, and you pushed real hard to get that answer"

"No I just-" Alec said as he backed away slightly

"You just what?" Stiles asked as he pulled Alec in closer by wrapping his right arms around his waist and slammed his lips onto Alec's, this time Alec did more and the kiss was more fierce as Alec placed his left hand on Stiles' cheek and his other behind Stiles' back. Stiles' other hand was now pulling Alec forward as he placed it behind Alec's neck and his right arm had slowly crept up Alec's back. Stiles grabbed hold of Alec's shoulders and pushed him back slightly "Tell me you don't want this to happen" Alec nodded his head around like he was unsure "I mean it, if you don't want this to happen tell me now"

"It's not that I don't want it to happen" Alec was breathing heavily again

"That's all I needed to hear" Stiles said before he planted his lips onto Alec's once again, he backed them up into a spare bedroom Stiles had down stairs, Alec felt around behind him for the bed and slowly sat down onto it as they broke apart for a few seconds, Alec made his way up to lay his head onto the pillow as Stiles climbed onto the bed and on top of Alec and once again planted his lips onto Alec as he pulled Stiles closer to him.

Alec and Stiles were currently laying on the bed unclothed, all their clothes had been scattered around the room. Stiles was still on top of Alec and now there was nothing between them from keeping them apart, Alec rolled them over so he was now on top of Stiles and kissed him with everything he had in him, they wrapped each others arms around one another as an attempt to get closer, not that they could get any closer than they already were.

They were now just laying on the bed, Alec looked straight forward whilst he was twirling strands of Stiles' hair between his fingers. Their breathing had slowed down but you could still hear it, Stiles looked to the side at Alec to see his face was just still.

"You okay?"

"Yeah" Alec said turning his head to look at Stiles "I'm sorry it's just um-"

"You feel guilty" Stiles finished Alec's sentence for him


"I know why"

"You know?" Alec said taking his arm back from behind Stiles' head


"Oh thank go-"

"I mean you must feel awful, but I want you to know you weren't taking advantage of me what's so ever" Stiles said

"Wait what?" Alec asked

"You know, sleeping with me" Stiles said "You're a reporter and you needed a story, you thought the only way you'd get the story out of was if you slept with me right?" Stiles asked

"Right?" Alec answered going along with what Stiles was saying

"But you didn't take advantage of me okay, I wanted this too" Stiles said smiling "And I understand that being a reporter is important to you, and your passionate about what you do, you were just scared of not having anything to write about but don't worry I'll help you. I feel like I've had to give up a lot by living in this town but you ain't gonna give up on being a reporter, I promise you" he said taking hold of Alec's hand "I know I can trust you"

"Yes you can, I wont say anything to anyone about the supernatural" Alec promised him

"Then prove it" Stiles said as he kissed Alec again "Come with me" he whispered against Alec's lips, he slipped out of the bed and walked out the door and shortly Alec could hear water running. Alec held up his left hand to look at his ring finger and rubbed his fingers along it where his wedding ring was yesterday before he came to Beacon Hills, before he met Stiles. "Alec you coming?"

Published~September 7, 2018

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